Ice Blue highlight on helmet and hands. |
JJ painting, Eldar Warhammer 40k commission.
Fenris Grey highlight on shoulders, arms and staff handle. |
Thought I'd go with Scorpion green for the vane highlights. Way too bright. |
Goblin Green highlight on vanes to see if it worked better. |
Also Goblin Green for staff. Yeah looks good. |
Goblin Green is stippled over the Caliban green. Looks different when used as a highlight. |
1:1 Reaper Surf Aqua and Army Painter Mat White for robe highlight. |
Shawn likes the added work. Told him it took about 30mins to do the extra work. Asked him to keep that in mind for future models. Little more touches here and there enhance the model and doesn't make it terribly expensive.
slainte mhath