The unit is finally ready for paint. The hammers and shields will be finished alongside all the other weapons in the army (bolters etc) at a later date.

The Sergeant. I did consider casting Asterion's crest but in the end felt that as this guy is not the Chapter Master he should probably be a little understated compared. 

 As with the other Terminators the base model is a Death Shroud Terminator from Forge World with the chest piece cut out and replaced with the Sanguinary Guard sculpted torso. 

I then had to sculpt the abdomen which I felt would benefit from being squared rather than sculpted as per stock for the Sanguinary Guard chests. 

This would help break up the blocky nature of the model against the elegant torso.

To finish off I added Minotaurs Brass Etch from FW to detail the models further away from the Death Shroud aesthetic. Shoulder pads are then from the Deathwing Knights (for the Crux Terminatus) and FW Minotaur pads.    

I cannot lie. This unit has been a slog to work through. Custom sculpting the hammers and then casting has really slowed the build down, however, I feel I have achieved the look I set out for.

Finally I have them all pinned with the heads separate waiting to be painted. I have signed up for the Bristol Vanquish 2014 tournament and the Minotaura are the army I will be taking so this project will have to speed up!
