The Tyranid info is flowing like bug juice! 

Thanks to DaBoarder and BoLS for these!

Psychic Powers:

Dominion, primaris: blessing, targets psyker, +6" synapse, ML1

Catalyst: Blessing, FNP on caster and unit within 12" ML1

The Horror: Malediction, -2Ld Pinning test on unit within 24" ML1

Onslaught: Blessing, target may run and shoot, 24" ML1

Paroxysm: Maledition, -D3 WS, BS, 24" ML1

Psychic Scream: Nova 6" 2d6+2-Ld wounds, ignore armour, cover ML1

Warp Blast: witchfire
24" S5 Ap3 Blast
18" S10 Ap2 Lance

Claws: S user, AP5 rending, if bearer kills model in CC gains Preferred enemy (that codex) for the rest of the game

Crown: +6 Synapse range

Two Profiles
36" S1 Ap4 Assault 1, Blast, Poison 2+
Template S1 Ap4 Assault 1 Poison 2+

Mechanic same as last codex with
+1S or +1A or +1Sv

S +1 Ap3 Shred, 6's to wound cause ID, +3 initiative

Acid Blood, Enemy unit takes I test for each wound caused by it in CC, if failed take a S(3?) Ap2 hit, ignores cover

Acid Maw: Replace all attacks for single attack with
S5 Ap2 Melee

Blinding venom: Replace all attacks for single attack with
S3 Ap- Poison 6+, Blind

Regeneration: Roll a dice at end of turn if one or more wounds missing, 4+ regain a single wound.

Toxic Miasma: During assault phase, once a game at I1, Enemy units in assault with the tyranid takes a S3 Ap- Poison, ignore cover hit, the number of hits is equal to the number of enemy models in B2B

Flesh Hooks: Assault grenades:
6" S user Ap- assault 2

Spine banks:Assault grenades
8" S3 ap- assault1 blast

Toxin sacs: Poison

Wings: Turns MC's into FMC

Tails: single bonus attack, does not benefit from special rules, biomorphs or any other gear
Bone: S8 Ap- Unwieldly
Pincer: S6 Ap5
Tresher: S4 Ap4
Toxin: S1 Ap6 Poison 2+

Shadow and synapse are two separate rules

Sky-slashers: IN
Ymgarls: OUT

Fleshhooks on warriors and shrikes

Scytals: NO ADDITIONAL BONUS, S user Ap6 is all she wrote folks.

Haruspex: Regular MC pace

Trygon tunnel: No way to dedicate units to the tunnel

Toxin Sacs :10 pts

Ad glands: 15 pts

Regeneration: 30 pts

Acid Blood: 10 pts (haruspex may not take this)

Parasite is GONE

Deathleaper is in, and enemies always snapfire against him!

Lictors now fight as a unit

Haruspex: ELITE


Pyrovores: Explode if killed via instant death ~Now that's funny!

WS:9 BS:4 S:6 T:6 W:5 I:6 A:4 Ld:10 Sv:3+
Mastery Level 3, Synapse, Shadow in the Warp, Synaptic Lynchpin, Monstrous Creature, Alien Cunning, Swarmleader

Zoanthropes have Brotherhood of Psykers, Come with Warp Blast, are Mastery Level2, shoot Warp Blast a number of times equal to the number of Zoanthropes in the brood.
Warlord Traits:

1 - Nature's Bane - At the beginning of each movement phase, select one jungle within 12' of the warlord. It becomes carnivorous for the game.
2 - Heightened Senses - Warlord and Nids within 12' have Night Vision.

3- Synaptic Linchpin - Warlord has 18' synapse

4 - Mind Eater - 2 VP for independents slain by warlord in a challenge.

5 - Digestive Denial - After deployment, pick one piece of terrain on opponent's side that was NOT paid for. Cover save worsens by one. (4+ becomes 5+, etc.)

6 - Adaptive Biology - Warlord gains FNP (5+) on next movement phase after it suffers a wound. (For rest of game)

Lots of "background text boxes" across the codex describe Forgeworld bug models not in the codex.

I hope all you bug players have been saving your pennies!
