Tyraniden: Regeln, Psikräfte und Biomorphe vor dem Codex-Release


Am Samstag ist es endlich so weit: Der neue Codex Tyraniden kommt in die Läden und mit ihm sicher eine ganze Menge neuer Spielspaß und verrückte Armeelisten. Ich zumindest freue mich und ich kenne mindestens einen anderen Turnierspieler aus Berlin, dem es auch so geht! Bevor wir in ein paar Tagen alle genaueres wissen, müssen wir uns bis dahin noch mit Fragmenten und Gerüchten über Wasser halten. Traurigerweise scheinen ein paar wirklich wichtige Punkte nicht im Sinne der Tyraniden auszufallen. So scheint das neue CC-Monster nur zu Fuß unterwegs zu sein, Schwarmwachen haben nur noch S7 und Sensenklauen verpassen dem Träger einfach DS6. Das alles garniert mit ein paar Reduktionen in den Punktkosten heißt wahrscheinlich: Mehr, aber schlechtere Modelle…Hier kommen die letzte Neuigkeiten in Sachen Regeln:

Neuer Schwarmherrscher gegen andere Nahkämpfer:

Let me put it this way, within an average of 5 instances each bad *** rival, mathhammered to averages:

  • vs Abaddon – Victorious after two phases, with 1.08 wounds taken in return.
  • vs Skarbrand – Victorious after two phases, with 0.78 wounds taken in return.
  • vs Be’lakor – Victorious after three phases, with 0.67 wounds taken in return.
  • vs Ghazghull Thraka under Waaagh! – Victorious after four phases, with 0.43 wounds taken in turn.
  • vs Draigo: Victorious after four phases, with 0.33 wounds taken in turn.

Flangenebber via BolS:

    • I can confirm there is no transport bug
    • Points reductions pretty much as rumored on most big bugs
    • No Yamgarl Stealers – There is a Yamgarl Bio Artifact but not for use on Gene Stealer
    • No Spore as rumored
    • No access to main rule book psychic powers as far as I can tell
    • Gene Stealers largely unchanged so pretty much destined to sit on the shelf
    • Biovores look to be slightly cheaper and far more effective
    • Flesh hooks are available to Warriors & Shrikes – So can swing at initiative when charging into cover

via 40k War Zone:

Primaris: Dominion – +6″ Synapse.

1. Catalyst: Blessing, 12″ range. Target psyker + unit + another within 12″. FNP.

2. The Horror: Target unit must take a pinning test immediately.

3. Onslaught: Target unit may run and then shoot.

4. Paroxysm: Enemy unit’s WS and BS reduced by D3.

5. Psychic Scream: Nova power, 6″. Each unit hit takes a 2d6+2 Ld test. Number of wounds are taken equal to the amount failed. No cover or armour saves allowed.

6. Warp Blast: Warp charge 2. Burst mode, 24″ str5 AP3 blast. Lance mode, 18″ str10 AP2 Lance.

Unique Wargear:

The Maw-Claws of Thyrax: S-User. AP5. Rending and Assimilate. Assimilate is if you kill an enemy model, you gain preferred enemy against units from that codex.

The Norn Crown: +6″ Synapse.

The Miasma Cannon: Two Modes. Miasmic spit – 36″ S1, AP4, Assault 1 Blast, Poison 2+ OR Template, S1, AP4, Poision 2+

The Ymgarl Factor: Same table as from previous codex.

The Reaper of Obliterax: Basically a Bone Sword but with +1 Str, Shred and +3 initiative

Biomorphs: Acid Blood, Enemy unit takes I test for each wound caused by it in CC, if failed take a S(3?) Ap2 hit, ignores cover

Acid Maw: Replace all attacks for single attack with S5 Ap2 Melee Poison 6+, Blind

Regeneration: Roll a dice at end of turn if one or more wounds missing, 4+ regain a single wound.

Toxic Miasma: During assault phase, once a game at I1, Enemy units in  assault with the tyranid takes a S3 Ap- Poison, ignore cover hit, the number of hits is equal to the number of enemy models in B2B

Flesh Hooks: Assault grenades: 6″ S user Ap- assault 2 Spine banks:Assault grenades 8″ S3 ap- assault1 blast

Toxin sacs: Poison Wings: Turns MC’s into FMC

Tails: single bonus attack, does not benefit from special rules, biomorphs or any other gear

Bone: S8 Ap- Unwieldly

Pincer: S6 Ap5

Tresher: S4 Ap4

Toxin: S1 Ap6 Poison 2+

Miscelanious Shadow and synapse are two separate rules

Shrikes: IN Sky-slashers: IN Ymgarls: OUT

Fleshhooks on warriors and shrikes

Scytals: NO ADDITIONAL BONUS, S user Ap6 is all she wrote folks.

Haruspex: Regular MC pace

Trygon tunnel: No way to dedicate units to the tunnel

Toxin Sacs :10 pts

Ad glands: 15 pts

Regeneration: 30 pts

Acid Blood: 10 pts (haruspex may not take this)