Some of the guys from the club were down at the FLGS The Cave, and we were looking through the Battlefront display looking for tanks or some such.  However, we came upon the Battlefield-in-a-Box sets and the guys from the Cave started asking questions about them.  All the Gatekeepers had glowing reviews for these sets, so I thought I'd take a moment and show the road sets.

Forgive my haphazard road building, turns out there's more than one Road to Nowhere.  I simply set up all our sets on a blank Green World.  Forgive the photography - there was no good way to get a pic of the entire table without breaking out the entire studio kit, and it ended up being grainy.  However, you do see a standard 6'x4' table decked out in road pieces (sorta).

The sets we have are the Rural Roads, Rural Roads Expansion, Cratered Rural Roads, Cobblestone Roads and Cratered Cobblestone Roads.  These were some of the first Battlefield-in-a-Box sets we obtained, and they won us over completely.  They are a little floppy, and contour to the table pretty nicely.  They are made of some sort of resinous material with a grippy black backing.  Of course they come fully painted, which is a huge plus.  We elected not to flock ours, but they do come with a few packets of mixed flock each.

My only gripe is that storing these isn't very easy.  The black material on the back seems very tarry.  It will stick to just about anything, and you can't stack these up on one another.  The box they come in is very flimsy, and won't stand up to much general use, let alone real punishment.  Stacking them with the black backings facing each other seems to be the safest way to avoid little black gops of tar-like backing marring the faces of your roads.

Sorry for the long delay in posting!  We're in a big hurry to post some really cool articles and videos.  Watch for changes on the websites, they're coming!  More to come this weekend!