Hey guys, just a quick run down of the UK Warhammer Fantasy Masters lists for 2013/2014. For those who do not know, the event will be run using the Sheffield Slaughter Comp at 2000pts.

Here is a Bad Dice Episode with the Live Draw and comments 

And the Bad Dice Daily Episode where Ben Curry discusses the draw:

Mikey Newman
High Elves

Alith Anar
Archmage: Death; Elven

Noble: GW; heavy
armour; shield; BSB.
Noble: GW; heavy

25 Archers: FC.
5 Ellyrian Reavers: st.
5 Ellyrian Reavers
5 Ellyrian Reavers

7 Shadow Warriors
7 Shadow Warriors

Frostheart Phoenix

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower


Mark Wildman

Grey Seer

Warlock Engineer
Warlock Engineer
Warlock Engineer: Lv1
Chieftain: halberd; BSB.

40 Skavenslaves: Mu.
40 Skavenslaves: Mu.
40 Skavenslaves: Mu.

2 Rat Swarms
2 Rat Swarms

40 Stormvermin: FC

5 Giant Rats: Packmaster.
5 Giant Rats: Packmaster.

18 Plague Monks: Mu; St.

Hell Pit Abomination
Warp Lightning Cannon
Doom Wheel

Ben Johnson
Daemons of Chaos

The Blue Scribes

11 Pink Horrors: st.
11 Pink Horrors: st.
11 Pink Horrors: st.
19 Daemonettes: FC

5 Furies: Tzeentch.

3 Screamers of Tzeentch
3 Screamers of Tzeentch
3 Screamers of Tzeentch

3 Beasts of Nurgle

5 FleshHounds:
5 Flesh Hounds:

Skullcannon of Khorne
Skullcannon of Khorne

Tom Mawdsley
High Elves


Lothern Sea Helm: BSB.
Mage: Lv2 Light.
Mage: Lv2 Light.

20 Archers: mu; st.
5 Ellyrian Reavers:
spears; bows.
5 Ellyrian Reavers:
spears; bows.
5 Ellyrian Reavers:
spears; bows.

28 White Lions: FC.

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower

Great Eagle

Terry Pike
Daemons of Chaos

Lord of Change: Lv2;
Lore of Tzeentch; Exalted
Gift; Lesser Gift.

Herald of Tzeentch: Lore
of Metal; BSB

10 Pink Horrors: mu.
10 Pink Horrors: mu.
10 Pink Horrors: st.
10 Pink Horrors

1 Beast of Nurgle
1 Beast of Nurgle
3 Flamers of Tzeentch
3 Screamers of Tzeentch

3 Plague Drones: mu; st;
Rot Flies, Plague

Skullcannon of Khorne
Skullcannon of Khorne

Craig Johnson

Grey Seer

Warlock Engineer
Warlock Engineer
Warlock Engineer: Level
1 Wizard; Skaven Spells
of Ruin.
Chieftain: BSB.

37 Stormvermin: FC
21 Skavenslaves:
Pawleader; Musician.
21 Skavenslaves:
Pawleader; Musician.
21 Skavenslaves:
Pawleader; Musician.
20 Skavenslaves:
Pawleader; Musician.

Doom Wheel
Doom Wheel

Warp Lightning Cannon
Warp Lightning Cannon

Matty Watkinson
Orcs and Goblins

Black Orc Warboss

Savage Orc Big Boss:
great weapon; BSB.
Savage Orc Shaman: Lv2
Savage Orc Shaman: Lv2

36 Savage Orc Big 'Uns:
FC; bows.
5 Goblin Wolf Riders:
St; spears; short bows;

10 Trolls

Goblin Rock Lobber
Goblin Rock Lobber

Doom Diver Catapult
Doom Diver Catapult

Mangler Squigs
Mangler Squigs

Jack Armstrong

Arch Lector: GW; shield.
War Altar
Battle Wizard Lord: Lv4;

Captain of the Empire:
GW; heavy armour; BSB.
Battle Wizard: Light.
Battle Wizard: Light.

30 Halberdiers: mu; st.
• 9 Spearmen
• 5 Archers
5 Empire Knights
5 Empire Knights

4 Demigryph Knights:
mu; st.

Steam Tank
Steam Tank

Andy Potter
Dark Elves


Master: Dark Pegasus;
lance; heavy arm; sh;
Master: Dark Pegasus;
lance; heavy arm; sh;
Sorceress: Metal; Steed.

5 Dark Riders: Herald; St;
shield; repeater crossbow.
5 Dark Riders: St; shield;
repeater crossbow.
10 Witch Elves: Mu; St.
10 Witch Elves: Mu; St

5 Shades
5 Shades
5 Shades

Reaper Bolt Thrower
Reaper Bolt Thrower

5 Doomfire Warlocks
5 Doomfire Warlocks

Chris Legg
Warriors of Chaos

Daemon Prince: Lv4;
Death; Chaos armour;
shield; Daemonic Flight;
Daemon of Nurgle.

Exalted Hero: Daemonic
Mount (barding); Mark of
Tzeentch; halberd; BSB.
Chaos Sorceror: Lv2;
Metal; Disc of Tzeentch;
shield; Mark of Tzeentch.

15 Chaos Marauders:
mu; st; Slaanesh.
5 Marauder Horsemen:
Mark of Slaanesh; flails.
5 Marauder Horsemen:
Mark of Slaanesh; flails.
Chaos Chariot: Slaanesh.
Chaos Chariot: Slaanesh.

3 Skullcrushers:
st; ensorc weapons.
3 Skullcrushers:
st; ensorc weapons. 

Steve Follows

Bretonnian Lord: barded
Warhorse; shield.
Prophetess of the Lady:
Lv4; Heavens; Warhorse.

Paladin: barded
Warhorse; shield; BSB
Paladin: barded
Warhorse; morning star;
lance; shield.
Paladin: barded
Warhorse; morning star;
lance; shield.

11 Knights of the Realm:
11 Knights Errant: FC
5 Knights Errant: Ch, Mu
5 Knights Errant: Ch, Mu

3 Pegasus Knights:

Field Trebuchet
Field Trebuchet

Dan Thomas
Warriors of Chaos

Scyla Anfingrimm

Exalted Hero: Barded
Chaos Steed; Mark of
Khorne; flail; Battle

31 Chaos Marauders:
musician; standard bearer;
Mark of Khorne; great
15 Chaos Warriors:
musician; standard bearer;
Mark of Khorne; halberds.
Chaos Chariot: Mark of

8 Chaos Knights: mu; st;
Khorne; ensorc weapons.

3 Skullcrushers of
Khorne: st; ensorc weap.
3 Skullcrushers of
Khorne: ensorc weapons.

Ben Curry
Dark Elves

Supreme Sorceress:
Lv4; Death; Dark Steed.

Master: Pegasus; lance;
heavy armour; sh; SDC.
Master: Dark Steed;
lance; heavy armour;
shield; SDC, BSB.
Master: Dark Steed;
shield; Sea Dragon Cloak.

10 Dark Riders: St; sh;
repeater crossbow.
5 Dark Riders: sh;
repeater crossbow.
18 Witch Elves: Mu; St

Reaper Bolt Thrower
Reaper Bolt Thrower
Reaper Bolt Thrower
Reaper Bolt Thrower

10 Doomfire Warlocks
5 Doomfire Warlocks

Lorenzo Ricagni
Daemons of Chaos

Herald of Tzeentch: Lv2 ;
Lore of Metal.
Herald of Tzeentch: Lv2;
Lore of Metal.

10 Daemonettes: st
15 Plaguebearers: FC
10 Pink Horrors of
Tzeentch: st

5 Chaos Furies: Daemon
of Tzeentch.
5 Chaos Furies: Daemon
of Tzeentch.
5 Beasts of Nurgle
5 Beasts of Nurgle
1 Beast of Nurgle

Skullcannon of Khorne

Soulgrinder: Daemon of
Nurgle; Phlegm

Pash Korniyenko
High Elves

Prince: Moon Dragon;
lance; shield; Dragon

Noble: Great Eagle; lance;
heavy armour; lion cloak;
Battle Standard.
Mage: Lv2; Light.
Mage: Lv2; High.

13 Archers: mu; st.
13 Archers: mu; st.
5 Ellyrian Reavers:
Harbinger; bows.
5 Ellyrian Reavers:
Harbinger; st; bows.

18 White Lions of
Chrace: FC

Frostheart Phoenix

Raf Harbinson

Slann Mage-Priest: BSB.
Wandering Deliberations

Scar-Veteran: Cold One;
GW; light armour.
Scar-Veteran: Cold One;
heavy armour; GW
Scar-Veteran: Cold One;
heavy armour; GW
Skink Priest

20 Skinks: Brave; Mu
19 Skinks: Brave; Mu
10 Skink Skirmishers
10 Skink Skirmishers:
javelin; shield.
10 Skink Skirmishers:
javelin; shield.
10 Skink Skirmishers:
javelin; shield.
10 Skink Skirmishers:
javelin; shield.

Ancient Stegadon:
sharpened horns.
Ancient Stegadon:
sharpened horns.

I'm backing Raf and Pash for big wins at the event! Raf because he has brought a wandering delibs slann which is a personal favourite of mine, but also the triple scar vet and 2 ancient stegs. This is #ManHammer at its best, combat powerful, fun but still very competitive! Hopefully Raf will have a lot of fun using his list as I know he has had some tough/stressful times using lizards (can fully back that up, its a mind fuck!!) and this list is a lot of fun. I have used almost exactly the same list but with different core and some templeguard and can vouch for it's fun! Also with all the frenzied units out there, baiting with skinks and flanking with the Stegs will really cause some people head aches! 

Pash I really think has a good shout at this event, he has been using a list very similar to this for years now (I played him over a year ago with my Ogres and I was very lucky to get a draw!) over both army book additions. This experience will be invaluable and the relative lack of cannons will put him in good stead! I think also as his list is a bit out of the norm that it might throw the soft southerners and it has the speed to capitalise on mistakes! Also as Pash is a Scot he instantly starts with +2 man points, that's a rule isn't it?!

Just for banter here's my final standings predictions based on ManHammer Lists:

  1. Pash
  2. Raf
  3. Dan
  4. Mark
  5. Steve
  6. Andy
  7. Chris
  8. Mikey
  9. Tom
  10. Ben J
  11. Terry
  12. Ben C
  13. Jack
  14. Matty
  15. Lorenzo
  16. Fat Criag

(NB Rankings not based on any estimation of skill, purely for fun!)

Best of luck to everyone there! Can't wait to see all the updates and hear the coverage!