Building a Blood Bowl Team… part 3

With just a week until the next Blood Bowl match up, it's time to look at my Dark Elf team again and see where we are.

You will immediately see a gap where my injured Lineman had been. I decided that I couldn't use a STR 2 Elf and so Tarud Shademaw was retired. I'm also missing the Runner in the next game due to injury, so have 2 'free' journeymen players to make up the numbers. I have the option to sign them after the game, if I have enough cash (and they have picked up star player points!). Not likely, but they can stand on the line and get hammered with no ill effects to the team long-term.

There has also been a change of 'heart'. In my previous BB post I mentioned that my touchdown-scoring Blitzer, Adin Heartrender, had picked up the Dodge skill. On the day of the match I actually rolled an 11 meaning I could increase the player's AG skill by 1 or take a new skill. I've decided, after a bit of contemplation, to take the bonus AG point instead.

As much as Dodge will be essential to my Blitzers, it's not often that any of us roll a stat increase. Initially I dismissed it as not being as useful as Dodge, but I now think I should take advantage of an AG 5 Blitzer. It now means he can move into a tackle zone or pick up the ball in a tackle zone on a 2+ which will help a lot.

Talking of Heartrender, I decided that he had earned a bit of attention on the work table. I picked out one of my new plastic Blitzers and set too with a bit of greenstuff. I cut off large parts of his back armour, which was looking very sci-fi and filled in the gap. I added a disk for his custom number, which will be chosen once painted. I started work on a knuckleduster to give him a bit more edge.

I also added his custom icon. I thought it appropriate to add a heart motif to his armour, given his name.

The Elf Cheerleader arrived today, so I'd like to get her built ready for when I add some to my team. More work to come on the new look plastic team as well – stay tuned.