The Tyranid Codex has finally dropped and there seems a lot to digest, pun intended.
The Great Devourer has lost some units and along with point costs around the board. However there are just some rules that keep me wondering, why? The Codex has units and rules that are lax luster and at first impression very underwhelming. I will refrain from finally judgement until fully analyzing the entire book and seeing the models on the table. Let's begin the journey into the belly of the beast.
The Iconic special rules of the Tyranids are still around but a bit tweaked. Instinctive Behavior says that at the beginning of your turn if you aren't in synapse range you have to take a leadership test. If said test fails you have to roll on a D6 chart with your appropriate behavior, Lurk, Hunt, or Feed. You don't have to test however if you are engaged in combat, falling back, have gone to ground or arrived from reserved that turn.
As everyone suspected Shadows In The Warp was changed. However it isn't that drastic of a difference. Instead of making your opponent roll 3D6 for psychic tests, models with the Psyker special rule have -3 leadership within 12" of someone with shadows of the warp. This rule actually is better because now the psyker's leadership is always affected. So they will fail moral test more often, not just fail psychic test as before.
Synapse Creature just means the little bugs need to stay near the big bugs. Inside of the 12" synapse range the models are fearless and don't have to worry about Instinctive Behavior.
The Warlord traits are like a roller coaster of fail, a failler coaster you might say.
1) Nature's Bane - Each turn you can transform a forest, jungle or wood terrain into a Carnivorous Jungle. Umm...ok.
2) Heightened Senses - Night Vision within 12" of the Warlord. Nothing special seeing how must your weapons are short range and you get one turn of night fighting.
3) Synaptic Lynchpin - This trait wins because of it's awesome name however all it does is gives your warlord a 18" synapse range
4) Mind Eater - Now this trait could be devastating. You gain 2 victory points for each independent character your warlord kills in a challenge. However sweeping advance doesn't count. If you are playing against a Chaos Space Marine player that gives you a huge advantage however against most other players that will probably refuse the challenge and let the unit get swept or hope to just escape combat.
5) Digestive denial- Ok I lied earlier, this name is boss. The effect is one piece of your opponents terrain has a -1 to it's cover save. Yay ,your warlord has a Warpsmith's ability.
6) Adaptive Biology - Now this is what we have been waiting for. If your warlord takes a wound it gains Feel No Pain at the beginning of its next movement phase. You cant go wrong with Feel No Pain.
Each of the Instinctive Behaviors have their own reference chart to see happens when they fail the leadership tests. Time to roll a D6 and flip some pages.
1-3 Survive - It's treated as a failed morale test and the unit fall back
4-5 Seek Cover - The unit isn't slowed by difficult terrain but act normally for dangerous. You can run but only shoot if it is in a building or area terrain
6 Stalk- Seek Cover plus the unit gains Stealth
1-3 Burrow and Hide - Go to ground unless you have a fearless model in the unit. If you do you instead Prowl
4-5 Prowl - You cannot run nor assault. You must shoot the closest enemy within range and line of sight. If there are no targets you cant do anything.
6 Destroy- Prowl and Preferred Enemy
1-3 Cannibalistic Hunger - The unit suffers wounds for each model at the majority strength at AP-. Armour saves can be taken but not cover. The unit can do nothing else for the rest of the turn. If their is only a single model treat it as Devour.
4-5 Devour - You cant Run and must declare a charge if possible.
6 Kill - Devour and Rage
Powers of the Hive Mind
Sadly the days of Biomancy Tyranid Monsters has gone the way of the dodo. Tyranids can only generate powers from their book now. This change is horrible and does nothing but limit the codex, I can not understand the purpose of changing this but to purposely handicap the book. But instead of complaining let's see what they do have access to.
Dominion- You cast it on yourself and gain 6" on Synapse. Primaris
Catalyst- The Psyker and an unit within 12" gain Feel No Pain.
The Horror - An enemy unit within 24" must take a pinning test with -2 to LD.
Onslaught - A unit can both run and shoot
Paroxysm- An enemy unit has -D3 WS and BS
Psychic Scream- Nova with a range of 6" that causes 2D6+2 wounds compared to their LD
Warp Blast - Str 5 blast or Str 10 Lance.
So in GW's infinite wisdom they basically copy pasted this from the old codex while making paroxysm worst. More failed opportunity in my opinion. If they wanted to limit what powers a player could chose from they should have made the available ones just as powerful. Psychic Scream is a joke, would making that power have range 12" be that bad? They could have given it the same treatment as the nova power from Black Legion where you could extend the range with more charges but no. Instead you get a power that will probably never reach more than one unit and you will get shoot up before even casting it.They do have access to Feel No Pain which will help them get into combat but is it enough? I understand how much a boost in toughness can change the longevity of a monstrous creature so not having Biomancy will hurt this book immensely.
Alright I am feeling like a kid who just got socks for Christmas so I will end this installment. I will return with HQ selection and Bio-Artifacts next. So far what do you guys think of the Codex? Will this be Tau 2.0 or will it have a crutch unit like the Heldrake that makes it playable? I would love to hear what you have to say.