Over the holiday season GW treated us to an advent calender style release of some data slates and rule sets. Now, while I consider this to be a colissal money grab, it did yeild some very cool results. The biggest of which, to me anyway, was the return of kill team. 

For those of you not familiar with it, kill team is GW's rule set for low point "skirmish" games. I love it. It  actually makes the game somewhat tactical and makes you think about what you are doing since you probably have very little personel to work with. Here's the basics

200 points total
No 4 or higher wound models
No 2+ save models 
No vehicles with AV over 33 (F+S+R)
No flyers

There are a couple more I think, but those are the big ones. A major change from the last edition of Kill Team is that you must designate one non-vehicle model to be the leader. In last edition, you could have a vehicle out there at LD 10 and never be run off the table. It was the one major flaw in an otherwise interesting format. 

Much like the old edition you assign 3 of your KT members as specialist. These are chosen from the list in the kill team book. There are several categories and you can only chose one from each category. And just like everything else in 6th edition, there are warlord traits for your leader. Which are of course chosen at random, cause hey, who doesn't love a bunch of random rolls. Oh wait, me and just about everyone I know that plays the game. There are also kill team specific missions. They're played on a 4x4 board and are quite entertaining. 

The MAJOR drawback here, is that it's a digital only download. So unless you are playing all your games with a tablet by your side you can't use it. What, you don't have a tablet? You mean you can't afford an expensive piece of electronics to suppliment the already expensive game you play? This is what I feel GW is saying to it's fans. They are taking things that formerly would have been published in White Dwarf and expecting us to pay for them in a format that not everyone has access to and I'm not a fan of that at all. 

So where does that leave this. Well, Kill Team is a very fun way to play 40K. I just wish GW hadn't locked it down to a digital format.