Hey folks.  So Tyranids have dropped, and whether you love it, hate it, or are just plain indifferent on it, it's the reality of the codex as it is now.  And while I do plan to discuss my thoughts on it at some point (more than likely over a podcast review of the book), right now I thought I'd touch on my thoughts on another popular topic of today's 40k chats.

There has been a rumor or two floating about that 7th edition may be coming quite soon on the heels of some of the releases later this year.  For those of us who bought into the collector's edition of 6th edition, it's a little disconcerting to think it'll be outdated in less than two years time.  My personal thoughts on what this "7th edition" rumoring revolves around less of a new edition, and more of a culmination of all the new information we've seen drop over the blitzkrieg of units, rules, codexes, dataslates, supplements, expansions and more.  Basically think of a re-release of the current rules, but with all of the new information added into it.  That is at least my hopes on it with regards to an edition shift.

However, there is a chance for Games Workshop to make some balance changes to some of the game's mechanics as it moves forward.  Whether or not they choose to with this new edition we hear talk of is another story, but they could make some nice tweaks in the form of potent erratas.  A few rules came up in my mind of places where the game could make changes that really improve the ability and increase tactical options presented to the players.  You can disagree with the power level of a specific unit or codex all you want, but at the end of the day it pays to remember that all of these issues are made possible by existing in the context of the game's rules.  So let's look at some of these possible alterations to some of the game's existing rules to see how we could change the scheme or alter the mood of 40k.

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