This is a bit of a mini-review of that I ordered from I have to say that I am really pleased with them and the quality of their pieces. The amount of detail is mind blowing. I bought a lot from them during their sale. Below is the list:
1x Square Planters
1x Small Shipping Containers
1x Large Shipping Containers
1x Beta Building
1x Alpha Building
1x Island Pack
1x Garbage Dumpster (2 pack)
1x Camo Markers
1x Bus Stop (2 pack)
1x Benches
Let me start this by saying go to their YouTube page and watch their instruction videos. Their are two things of note. The first is they sometimes skip a step in the video. The steps they usually skip is a repetitive step. If you are gluing the same part multiple times they tend to show it once or twice and then move on. Not a bad thing but something you should be aware of. The videos could be slightly more instructional. One video showed all of the parts that you would need for a step but not all of them, Not a game breaker but something they can add to more videos.
The second note to remember is their terrain is not like other vendors. This is not Micro Arts Studio where you can buy a table worth of terrain and plow through the assembly in under an hour. The Alpha Building took me a full day to get it to the paint step. It still isn't completed. The amount of detail that goes into it is insane. Take your time. You just spent your cash of their terrain to make your table look good. Please be patient. I actually watched the videos during construction. I would pause and make sure I have the parts and dry fit if needed.
I would say that the terrain makes Infinity and the terrain from actually foots the bill. It looks great on the table and people immediately key on it. I am working on painting everything but even unpainted they look sweet.