So I’ve been a little quiet lately for which I must apologise. Having given my contributors a hard time just prior to Christmas about keeping up content I almost went into hiding.

There’s a few reasons for this, some of them work related, some of them personal. The main reasons were that I ran out of steam hobbywise for a while there. I didn’t really have anything to report because I wasn’t doing any hobby, which sucks and is only just starting to get back on track. And because I was hidden in The Shell Case bunker I haven’t really kept track of what’s been happening either. So I got the ‘fuck all to say’ double.

I got Apple TV over Christmas and I’ve been rinsing my bandwidth making use of my free Netflix subscription. Whilst I appreciate I’m late to the party I’ve been really getting into Breaking Bad. If you don’t know what the show’s about…go look it up, I’m not your mum. It rather reminded me that life is too short to fuck around. And Adam’s post earlier today reminded me that the hobby is meant to be fun.

So I’m breaking the bad (geddit?!) and getting back to basics a little bit. I’m kicking off by getting (back) into the X-Wing Miniatures Game by Fantasy Flight. I reviewed it when it first came out but with no one to play against it fizzled out. Again, inspired by Adam’s post, I spoke to the one person who has a worse Impulse Toy Purchase Disorder than me. Mat.

With some new toys on their way and a game of Firefly: The Game organised for tomorrow and Warhammer (for A Tale of Two Armies) on Monday, things are slowly returning back to normal. And I shall keep in mind that the hobby should never feel like work.

The only other change is that I’ve also started a writing project that is neither wargaming or sci-fi/fantasy related which is a first for me. I’m going to do my best to work it around the site but I may drop off a bit. There’s only so many hours in a day and I’ve not figured out how to bend time and space. Yet.

I’m not going to try to justify buying 11 X-Wings so I can field Rogue Squadron…