We are continuing to push through the codex with the elite section.
Could there be hope hidden deep inside, a treasure among the nerfed and over-costed? Sit down, grab some alcohol and let's try to get through this together.

Hive Guard Brood - This was mandate unit in 5th edition that gave Tyranids the firepower they desperately needed against vehicles. That fact also must be the reason it's price increased by 5 points and lost one BS. Though part of me is leaning toward the idea that there are two dart boards in the production studio. One of them says price and the other has a stat. I can not see why the Hive Mind would create a creature specifically for protecting the Hive with ranged weaponry and make them bad at shooting.

Besides those two changes these guys are pretty much the same. They are T6 with two wounds, they can take some punishment before tapping out. The Impaler Cannon has been simplified with the rule ignores cover and is still the awesome weapon its always been, you cant argue with str8 ap4 assault two. These guys can do serious damage without repercussion because they don't need LOS and when they are seen you can relay on that high toughness.

One more accruing theme I see is some units have the Bulky and Very Bulky rule. Since they don't have a transport why do they keep noting this? Maybe they are just fat shaming the bugs, other wise it's useless to print that info. On the topic of not printed things, where are the armor descriptions? I mean they used to tell me that a unit had a 4+ save because of Hardened Carapace but instead they have a 4+ save because they freaking said so!

Zoanthrope Brood - The only 3+ invulnerable save in the book and it's mounted on a laser beam firing brain bug. Their stats haven't changed from the last edition but they did gain the Brotherhood of Psykers special rule. They however did get cheaper, dart board theory again. They are another source of Synapse, which is always helpful. They are Psyker Mastery 1, come with warp blast and can generate one power from the hive mind. Since the spore is gone and they can't deep strike. It is going to be a slow troll up the field for this guys.

I also have an issue with their damage output, you just have to go through so many checks to actually kill a vehicle with their lance. I mean you have to roll for psychic test, to hit, to pen, and damage results. Then that is going against enemy saves ,deny the witch and whatever other anit pysker thing they have. In the end, you don't have that good of a chance at killing anything. The blast portion of it is good but it also has it's series of checks to worry about.

Venomthrope Brood - These guys are walking cover. They offer shrouded to anything within 6" but they also had to clarify that they have shrouded themselves strangely. They are a support unit to help keep the rest of your army alive. They have poison 2+ but aren't really good in combat with only 2 attacks. On the plus side they dropped 10 points.

Lictor Brood - They have a truck ton of special rules but I think the most notably one is the Pheromone Trail. If you could get these guys on the board and survive for the rest of your reserves to come in they could really help out getting things where they need to be. The rule basically says that if they are on the board other units can deep strike in within 6". The unit has WS6, S6, and 3 attacks. With their rending claws they can tear units apart. I just have the grip about them having Instinctive Behavior Lurk, but they do have 10 leadership so just hope you don't fail that.

Haruspex - Finally a new unit! This is also one that I really like. He is T6, S6 , 3 attacks and comes with a 3+ save. He also have 5 wounds so that means he is going to take some punishment. This guy will destroy units. I want to call him Captain Nom Noms. The special rule Feeder beast will give it back a single wound when it inflicts one in the assault phase. Rapacious hunger will give the unit an extra attack for every unsaved wound it inflicts, this means it could have 8 attacks if you were lucky. It has some limitations to that rule though. You only get one extra attack if you inflict instant death, hammer or wrath, acid blood, an extra attack and the tail don't give any extra attacks. Did I mention is also a monstrous creature with crushing claws, yay strength 10 ap2 attacks. Grasping tongue is the only ranged attack and it isn't anything major, range 12" attack with strength 6, ap2 and can be precision. I expect to see this guy a lot on the field. Also I have to say it, it is a giant hentai tentacle monster. HIDE YOUR SISTERS OF BATTLE!

Pyrovore Brood -  The Pyrovore from the last edition was arguably the worst unit in the game. The Pyrovore is arguably the worst unit again in this edition. I have no clue what they envisioned the purpose of this unit. They come equipped basically with a heavy flamer that is also assault but no way to get into range to use said flamer. They have crap stats besides from 3 wounds but that is an improvement from the last codex. I would suggest maybe making their flamer torrent and bumping up their toughness to make this a desirable unit but for another few years this model will sit in the closet.

Alright guys that is my opinion and I would love to hear yours. Leave a comment and make sure to follow me if you enjoyed what you read.