No, this isn't an unused piece of concept art from the Realms of Chaos books of yore. I know it does resemble some of the seminal work that those two books contain and you may be wondering why? The answer is simple, its a piece of concept art by Anthony Ackland, the Grandmaster of Chaos, himself!
Only this particular concept art is BRAND NEW and is intended for an exciting new range of 'Oldhammer' style figures being mooted by Eastern Front miniatures!
News is very sketchy at the moment, though I do hope to get a chance to squeeze more information out of Mick Leach in the not too distance future. What I can say at this time is there are plans for a further SEVEN other models (all with concept art that Mick hopes to release in the future) if things work out well with this piece!
Oh, and Tim Prow is sculpting the first miniature!
More news as we get it but I really do hope that the Oldhammer Community gets behind this project as we did with the Daemon of Malal and gives its our full support!