Lots of people will crucify me for what I'm saying. They will call me noob, nerd, loser...all because truth hurts.
Let's start from the beginning. Tyranids are a challenging army to play. They can't ally with anyone, they can't take fortifications (not 100% sure about that, correct me if I'm wrong) and now they can only select psychic powers from their own table.
Most of the units had been nerfed. Lots of independent characters have disappeared. The brutal killing machines are not as brutal anymore. Their flyers insta die if the fell from the sky (at least the new ones with T5). Ymglar (or whatever is the spelling) Genestealers have disappeared too. No more pods....Jeez, it sounds like a long list of disadvantages.
I guess it's justified all the crying around the blogs, forums, etc... that Nids are shit, that GW fucked all the Nids players, that they're not competitive anymore...Right?
Wrong. Cry babies that only care about competitive gaming and winning games no matter how are the ones talking shit. I've seen lots of people that actually love the new Codex (including me). It's not a Tau or Eldar Codex where no matter what you get it's good. No matter how you mix your army, it's still quite powerful.
Nids are not like that. They are, as I said before, a challenging army. You need to keep your Synapse connection at all times or you can get yourself in trouble. It's a SWARM ARMY, and in this codex, most of the units got reduced in points (I guess that's really good?). Some of the best and coolest models are in this army, and the new ones look pretty amazing. The look of the table with all your MC's line up is priceless. Winning a game has become a challenge, something that could be really hard, but, as always, that depends of your strategy, decisions and luck with dice.
If you just want to win games, run Taudar armies.
If you wanna have fun, play anything you want.
This hobby is not just about winning or losing, it's about enjoying. The moment that doesn't happen it loses its "magic". I always said if I have to tell someone "mate, it's just a game" I won't play that person anymore.
I think Tyranids are a crazy fun army to play, like Chaos Daemons or Orks. They might not be the most OP and you will have to work your victory (imagine you're playing a video game in hardcore mode) but each victory that you get will be more rewarding than any other that you have with your Farsight Bomb, just smashing your opponent. Where is the fun in that?
I don't know everybody else, but I'm trying to paint all my Nids to get them in the field as fast as possible. I can't wait to start trying all the different possibilities. Especially, the Lictor/Mawlok combo , I want to see how good it works. Or those Venomthropes giving shrouded to your units...
So, my conclusion is that people crying over everything are the people that just want easy wins. They don't really care about the hobby, just about the competitive part of it. As I read a long time ago:
"Don't pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"- Bruce Lee