A while back I had said I was looking into getting some Privateer Press stuff.  Well I did, but not Warmachine or Hordes!  I’ve been hearing consistently excellent things about PP’s new entry in their Level 7 series of games, Omega Protocol.  The first Level 7 game was an intriguing novelty in that it was an attractive looking board game from a company primarily known for their miniatures, but it used cardboard stand ins instead of models!  Pretty much everyone noticed, and thought that was an odd choice.  PP’s line on that was that skipping miniatures made the game a lot more affordable.

Well, that may have been the case, but despite the considerably higher price tag for Omega Protocol the game has been garnering a lot more attention, and I’m sure the fact that it comes with a ton of awesome looking miniatures is part of it.

The other factor for its greater success is that the rules are apparently much better.  I haven’t delved into it yet as I want to paint everything up before I do, but having read through the rules it seems like a very nice dudes in a hall game.  Given that I have a ton of Deadzone material to paint as well, I am going to be a busy, busy painter the next few weeks, I think.