Yesterday, I had the pleasure of sharing with you the fantastic news that Mick Leach, from Eastern Front Miniatures, has initiated an 'Oldhammer' inspired project that he hopes to bring to fruition through crowdfunding in the not to distant future. 

Tim Prow's Work in Progress

Well, here are some work on progress shots fresh from Tim Prow's studio alongside some old Citadel legends for scale comparison. Obviously, this model is a long way from being considered complete. Things may change again in the coming days and you will be notified here as soon as I hear anything (or Mick gives me the nod to release anything further). These shots prove that this project is very real, and is being taken very seriously indeed. 

Scale comparison shows that this model is a homage to smaller scale fantasy figures of the 1980s
Tim has been chatting to fans on the Oldhammer Community and Old School Miniatures groups on Facebook about his feelings about the project. 

TP: Its all in the style of art and interpreting the sculpt. I've been thinking for a while now about reworking old classics, the originals still inspire and are thought of fondly, even though after close inspection they don't really stand up to today's sculpts, but they do have presence and movement. Its hard to believe originally sculptors would use milliput, such a messy and unhelpful putty to sculpt in at that scale!

Tim's skill with fine detail brings Tony Ackland's concepts to life! 
Thankfully, Tim has all the advances of modern wargaming miniature sculpting at his disposal so things should be a lot more straight forward for him than it was in the early 80s when the comparison models were produced. 

While on the subject of modern figures, I have heard from some of you who are interested in what Mick's plans are for the finished model. Slotta or solid base? Metal or resin? Well I can confirm that the model will, if it goes into production, have a slotta-base. Mick feels that this is the best way of ensuring the dynamic 'look' that he hopes to achieve with the range. Secondly, he hopes to produce metal and resin versions of the models, to please the modern enthusiast and the hardcore leadhead. There is also talk of 

Eastern Front's 'Name the Brand' Competition

Mick has told me that he wasn't quite ready to go public with this project when he found himself jumping the gun a bit and sharing the first of Tony Ackland's concepts. The topic of an 'Oldhammer' style miniature cropped up on the Facebook group and he just couldn't resist spilling the beans. This leaves him in a rather unusual position... He's trying to talk about and promote a project with no name! Mick even has a couple of design team members on standby to produce the crowdfunding banners to help advertise the project, which I hope you will attach to the sides of your blogs (if you have them) or share on other social media. However, nothing can be actually started until the range of models has an official name.

This is where the readers of this blog come in.

Can you think of a great name for the project and the range of models it hopes to inspire? 

Something dynamic that makes nods to the past as well as being modern enough to encourage the wider miniature world to take an interest?

If you can please share your ideas below in the comments section, or on the attached Facebook conversation in the Oldhammer Community group. And to sweeten the deal, the winner will not only get to name the range of models, they will also receive the first miniature off the production line absolutely FREE

We are looking forwards to hearing your suggestions!
