This is pretty much how I feel at the moment. With the move to the UK, and onto a new work network, it seems my ability to access Blogger is varied at best. Mostly due to time restraints and getting used to a new environment.

OK.. this is normal granted. However there is another problem on the network.. they have blocked access to comment on blogs! Particularly the ones on Google Blogger.

Which mean, that although I "sometimes" have time to read and check out other blogs, I can't comment on them! ARGH!!!!

And with home life changes as well, time to post and view blogs at home are limited. Need to figure out a solution this and pronto!

So just want to give a shout out to all the bloggers who are following me, and let them know that I am reading a ton of their article. And am loving some of the things coming out as well.. but just not able to comment at the moment. Expect some mass spam over the weekends in the near and forgoing future though :) Promise!

Ok... rant over.. back to life.. which is also sucking up time to paint or do hobby items :(