As a person who puts a lot of time into the painting aspect of the hobby, I came to an astonishing realization recently. I have only ever used one kind of paint. That would be GW's paints, unsurprising I imagine. That's what Hubs had for the most part when I started painting, and it's what we've kept buying. So, of course I love the GW paints, I don't know any better!

Paint love

But when I took that fabulous painting seminar last month, we only used Privateer Press paints. I noticed some key differences between their paints and GW's. Not the least of which is consistency. And it got me wondering, what am I missing out on by only knowing and using ony type of paint? I suspect it's a lot. So, I'm here to propose an experiment.

I'm going to compare GW, Privateer Press, Vallejo, and Reaper paints. I really only own GW paints so I have to go out and buy some from all the rest of the lines. They're all easy enough to come by online but I'll see what I can scare up locally first.

There are lots of things to look at when comparing paints. I'm going to make sure to get a some of the "standard" paints, metallics, and washes and compare each in turn. I'll also compare how they work using several techniques, including layering, two-brush blending, and dry brushing.

For the models, I've decided to dedicate one full model to each paint range. That way I can really get a good chance to work with each line. I already have a whole plethora of models I can choose from. I'm thinking either my Reaper Giants or my beloved Rackham Wolfen. Once I get the paints, I'll decide for sure. In either event, they will all be prepped and primed in the same way for consistency.

This isn't something I'm going to do very quickly. I have quite a bit of prep to go through for my Adepticon armies (I'm playing Saga, Necromunda, and Lord of the Rings), so while I'm going to get started now, I don't anticipate being finished with it until the end of April. That said, I'll be posting plenty of WIP photos and a few posts as well.

Now here's where you come in. Are there other miniature paint lines you propose I also try? Other techniques? Suggestions? Let me know in the comments and I'll incorporate them into the test!

Part 1: So Much Paint