As always Australians really do make better Scots (See dwellers below)
Well with that Stereotype done and out in the open, lets get down to it: ScotComp 

So at the end of February I will be attending my first 2 day tournament at the Falkirk Free For All, set to be the biggest Scottish Tournament since 8th Edition (if not ever!) To say I am excited would be like saying Nick Gentilly is slightly aroused by Cav Princes. The tournament will be using the above mentioned ScotComp pack which I have been playing under for some months now for practice and interest! (possibly 20+ games) I really like the pack, its not too heavy and just curbs the extreme parts of the game. I particularly like the 5 dice spell cap as it really tones down the extreme magic part of the game!

I decided to take OnG for a couple of reasons, primarily I have only taken them to one event thus far and I really like my current list! It is very much smash up and have fun and isnt too filthy! Also as you will have noticed I have been some what less prolific with my painting recently due to a house move and insane working over the past few months. (Also I have been organizing a campaign for the lads but more about that later...) I really want to go along to this tournament and have a great time, take it easy and try my best. I was getting far too stressed out about playing lizards perfectly and to be frank I would have struggled to be fully painted!

My hobby aim at the moment is to work on the Ogres and have them ready for Cry Havok in June! Excited to get them back up and running to be honest, really love playing with them and always have fun!

Anyway the Falkirk Free For all is shaping up to be a great weekend, with 60 players or so! There are still a few spaces left so come and join in! If you are a soft southroner (or crazy foreigner!) and have never been north of the border for a tournament this could be the one to go for. A big night out is planned for Saturday night with curry, beer and banter! If you need to get some accommodation/transport to the venue give me a shout and ill try and either hook you up directly or through some local folks!

More about the Falkirk Free For All and to sign up go here:

So I invite you all to write a list under the ScotComp pack and post it up here for all to see! In the interest in fairness here is what I am taking (Closed List format)

Wizzbang Da Shaman (Savage Orc Great Shaman): Level 4 Wizard.

Radabutt Da Scrolla (Savage Orc Shaman)
Borgut Facebeata (Savage Orc Big Boss): great weapon; Battle Standard.
Urgut Ripeye (General) (Black Orc Big Boss)

Urgut's Big Yins (36 Savage Orc Big 'Uns): Savage Orc Boss; Musician; Standard Bearer; additional hand weapons.
Da Red Devils (5 Goblin Wolf Riders): Musician; Standard Bearer; spears; short bows; shields.
Da Red Devils (5 Goblin Wolf Riders): Musician; Standard Bearer; spears; short bows; shields.

Green Lightnin' (Orc Boar Chariot)
Blood N Thunda (Orc Boar Chariot)
Da Speed Freakz (3 Goblin Wolf Chariots)
Da Wild Wagonz (3 Goblin Wolf Chariots)
Da Big Stinkaz (8 Trolls)

Auld Bessie (Doom Diver Catapult)
Da Big Chukka (Goblin Rock Lobber)
Monz Meg (Doom Diver Catapult)
Da Mad Cap Nuttaz (Mangler Squigs)
Da Mad Cap Nuttaz (Mangler Squigs)

2,400 points