TJ here, dropping in after the holiday break to present you with a little conversion I whipped up for one of my Chaos Sorcerers - Ashiok, (or if brevity isn't really your thing) the Herald of the Army of the Apocalypse, Diviner of the Inevitable, Summoner of Swarms and Blight of 1,000 Battlefields. Enough pomp and circumstance though, let's take a look at the latest sorcerer to enter my cabal.

So, I won some Plague Drones last year and haven't really ever decided what to do with them. I don't like them on the field and could take or leave them from a modelling stance ... then Fly Molo ran a Maximum Overdrive style Chraons (Chaos with Necron Allies) army at the TJMD Open which really seemed like a ton of fun. It was fast, destructive and overwhelming! I decided I must have some biker sorcs of my own, specifically designed for the AotA. With that said, I dug into the bits box and started cobbling things together.

I had this sick sorcerer helmet from the Chaos Fantasy Chariot that Pete from the Dropzone Crew gave me (I really have to make it up there sometime this year) and that single bit really got me going. I wanted a sorc worthy of such an impressive helmet, so I whipped out a backpack from the Dark Vengeance set, some random bits and a plague drone to start.

The sorc has a Warp Talon torso and shoulder pads, legs from the Chaos Knight kit, a spear arm from the Bloodcrushers of Khorne box, the other arm is from the Black Templar upgrade kit, the flames in his hand are actually sculpted into a daemonette head (the hair made for perfect flames). The control panel on the back of his mount is from the Necron Night Scythe.

I then saw this sick cape on the Chariot frame and added it to his waist band so it matched up with the robes on the Chaos Knight legs and really states to the observer: "I don't ever dismount, I'm too good for common ground fighting" which is perfect for this very haughty Chaos sorc!

Bits-wise, the last mentions are the tentacles, which come from the Mutalith kit and the scythe head, which is part of the Dark Eldar Talos kit. All of the biomechanical cables are made courtesy of my Green Stuff Industries Tentacle Maker.

In the end, I really wanted to take the idea of a Chaos Sorcerer up a notch and thanks to my bits collection and established theme of insane bio-monsters in the Army of the Apocalypse, I think I pulled it off nicely.

Now I just have to keep pace when I make other bike HQs - "You must be at least this over the top to enter."

As always, feedback and comments are welcome! Let's here what you think.