And I forgot my camera!  It's ok though, they were not done yet any way. Every thing is just about done, it all just needs some detailing. I wanted to get it into a different venue and see how they look gaming tables before putting the final touches.

How did they perform on the table?  Dead last. I scored 6 out of 60 points. In their first game, in typical Lamenters fashion, an assault squad with a priest and Librarian attached took some wounds in the first round of shooting of the game, then failed leadership and ran off the table.  This lead the way to an entire day of catastrophic failure.  To accent the day, I got tabled in about fifteen minutes by a Draigo wing army.  I threw every thing I had at him but only took out a couple crusaders. Then he shot down my Storm Raven with psy cannons and destroyed every thing inside as I rolled nothing higher than a 2 for the invul saves and he rolled a penetrating explosion on my dread.

I will take a lot of pics later this week!
