Lots of 7th Edition rumors.  But wait its not 7th!

And that is the big news really.  This is NOT 7th edition, it is merely a 6th edition update.

This is NOT a 7th Edition Rulebook

First, 40K Radio has posted this:

1) It will purely be a book release. 
2) It could be released as early as May.
3) Rulebook with incorporate data slates, escalation, stronghold assault, and some tweaks.

This is not Seventh edition.  We keep hearing this.  It is part of the "living edition" that has been talked about as the new way GW will do business.  No more big releases, as GW tends to see a dip in income because of them (which doesn't make a lot of sense, but whatever).  

Either way, this is a good sign as the more cohesive the rulebook the better.  Who wants to have to carry a 6th Edition rulebook, a hardcover codex, and two hardcover

This is NOT a 7th Edition Starter Set.

That is what we are told.  Just a new starter set to replace the current one.  And THANK GOD.  Using Dark Angels rather than vanilla marines was simply a dumb idea.  Everyone who bought multiple starter sets to get the vanilla marines was shut out of this release.  But wait, they are doing it again!  Blood Angels?  If these are basically vanilla marines with decals for the Blood Angels, then it works.  If the new molded two piece minis are all kitted out with Blood Angel iconagraphy, then again, the appeal is limited to new customers who want them.

From Bell of Lost Souls:
Launch Window - @SeptemberRules Summary: Updated Mini-rulebook contains FAQs, minor tweaks and clarifications, and much of Stronghold Assault rolled into a new shiny package.
Miniatures included: @70
 Blood Angels (plastic quick assembly)
- Assault Marine Squad
- Tactical Marine Squad
- Death Company Squad
- Captain (kitted out for assault)
- Chaplain
- Sanguinary Priest (limited edition, similar to the Dark Vengeance mini was)

Orks (plastic quick assembly)
- 'Ardboys (full mob)
- Nobs (small squad)
- Warboss
- Big Mek
- Ork themed fortification

This was described as simply an updated Warhammer 40,000 Starter Set and specifically "NOT 7th Edition."

So take it for what it is worth.  Change is coming!
