Why is that kids manage to find every germ in their school and bring them all home for dad?  Off work with a virus at the moment (thanks kids lol)  but have managed to literally drag my way through the next installment of the Rivendell Elf Commission.  Hope you like them and C & C welcome. I have added the group picture of the Rivendell Elves to Cool Mini Or Not for voting so if you would like to register a vote PLEASE CLICK HERE
Current CMON rating  

 I close my eyes I can still see gold lines!!!  Big thank you to the One Rings Dr Grant who donated a pot of Shining Gold paint when i ran out mid way through this batch.

 And there we go this current batch added to the box.  Its filling up fast.  This will be the last time I see this lot so may they serve theyre new master well.  
"No in elenath hílar nan hâd gîn."