Forge World has announced its next "Open Day".
Of course it is in Nottingham, England, and us Yanks are SOL. But the event is always a hit and we get to see loads of new models Forge World is working on.
From Forge World:
Warhammer World once again hosts the Forge World Open Day on Sunday 30th March. Tickets for this event will be limited and sold out quickly last year, so we recommend you grab a ticket early!
The entirety of the Forge World Model Design team will be attending the Open Day, showcasing all manner of work-in-progress models and recent releases.
The Art and Book Design team will be there showcasing the process by which our books are created, and may even be seen working on artwork for future books on their advanced cogitator devices. The Forge World Writers will also be on hand to talk about the process of writing a Forge World book.
Our Sales stands will be packed with a huge selection of resin kits, books and modelling supplies, including some very exciting pre-release kits (more news on these in future newsletters). The Open Day painting competition will again be judged by our Studio team, and all attendees can enter. Your entry should consist of a single Forge World model of any type, although we do advise that cabinet space may be limited. The prize, of course, is the prestigious Forge World Open Day trophy.
We’ll also be running our Charity Titan Raffle, which is always incredibly popular. Tickets will be on sale throughout the day for a mere £1 each; all proceeds will be donated to Children In Need and the prize will be a complete mighty Imperial Reaver Titan.
The entirety of the Forge World Model Design team will be attending the Open Day, showcasing all manner of work-in-progress models and recent releases.
The Art and Book Design team will be there showcasing the process by which our books are created, and may even be seen working on artwork for future books on their advanced cogitator devices. The Forge World Writers will also be on hand to talk about the process of writing a Forge World book.
Our Sales stands will be packed with a huge selection of resin kits, books and modelling supplies, including some very exciting pre-release kits (more news on these in future newsletters). The Open Day painting competition will again be judged by our Studio team, and all attendees can enter. Your entry should consist of a single Forge World model of any type, although we do advise that cabinet space may be limited. The prize, of course, is the prestigious Forge World Open Day trophy.
We’ll also be running our Charity Titan Raffle, which is always incredibly popular. Tickets will be on sale throughout the day for a mere £1 each; all proceeds will be donated to Children In Need and the prize will be a complete mighty Imperial Reaver Titan.
So go get your tickets if you live close. All of us on this side of the pond are jealous!