I'm a big fan of Mantic Games's Deadzone...especially the Plague...

How to play Deadzone!
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The global release of Deadzone is just 7 days away – yep, on the 14th February, you will be able to pop down to your local retailer and pick up a copy!

To help you get started, we’ve put together this excellent Quick Start Rules PDF – and even taken you through a game with the Beasts of War lads:
Beasts of War recently described it as the best game of 2014 (and it’s only January!)

Deadzone begins shipping on the 14th February -pre-order your copy here!

The Virus is Spreading...

Bloodthirsty monsters created by an alien virus, the Plague exist for one thing only – to spread their contagion as far as possible. Most terrifying of all are the infected Teratons, walls of muscle and armour that are little more than living battering rams...
You can purchase this and all of the new boosters sets from our website.

Are you going in for the Plague? Maybe you prefer the Rebs? Let us know which you’ll be playing!
Late Pre-orders
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I just wanted to take the opportunity to apologise for the late shipment of January's pre-orders, which included the Azure Forest Pack.

This isn't the norm and we're working hard to ensure that it does not happen again.

Thanks for your continued support,


Dave's Hobby Tips:
Plastic Scenery!
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Hot on the heels of last’s week video on mould lines comes this little beauty all about building our fabulous plastic scenery.

Check it out and let us know what you think!
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The Events List has now been updated for 2014, with Adepticon (3rd April) and Salute (12th April)staring us in the face.

Here’s the full list for the next couple of months:

8th Feb – Rage
22nd Feb – Sabrecon
22nd Feb – Brisbane DreadBall Bash
1st Mar – Hammerhead
22nd Mar – A Call to Muster
29th Mar – Schiltron
3rd Apr – Adepticon
12th Apr - Salute

Check out the Events List for all of the details.
Our mailing address is:
Mantic Games, Greasley Street, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8NG England.
Copyright (C) 2012 Mantic Entertainment Ltd All rights reserved.