This is the start of this year's journey to NOVA.  Last night, I bought my badge and event tickets.  This is my third NOVA and the first time I will not be participating in the 40k GT.  I will be participating in the Infinity and possibly Malifaux (if scheduling permits).  I am not exactly sure how I feel about making the change.  Infinity and the GT run parallel.  Most of my friends will be in the GT and I will be flying solo playing Infinity.  

I was on the fence if I should just trudge and play the GT or should I actually play something I really want to.  The changes for 40k has actually helped me move onward in my transition to Infinity and Malifaux. I didn't mind the arms race that a new codex would bring what killed me was the rate at which things changed.  I have a full time job and I don't like my hobby becoming a full time job. 

So I know look at Infinity to full my competitive itch.  I have only played one event and that was a beginners tournament.  Next weekend I will finally be able to get out and play in a real ITS tournament at Games and Stuff.  I have no idea what I want to bring.  It is looking like I will play what is painted to enter the raffle although I have a JSA list that I am missing one mini for but could fix if I can find a HMG.  Not sure but I will post.

Malifaux is the other system I am interested in.  It's just fun and reminds me a lot like Street Fighter.  I love the idea of combos and I love the horror theme behind it.  I am planing to do my best to play at NOVA.  Matt Stanley is one of the guys running it and it should be a good time.