OK, so this is strictly WIP. I did notice that when I mentioned 'thunderhawk' in my list of outstanding things, no-one even mentioned it. Well, just I case you thought I'd forsaken the Guard and gone over to the power-armoured side. I present, for the time being, my thunderhawk !
From this angle the big feature is the cockpit canopy. Which on a one piece resin floor tile will need a bit of work. And/or balancing amount of skill. Neither of which are abundant around here, but I'll give it a go. S'only spaze muhreen terrain, after all.
So that's two layers of (midnight and then royal) blue and then blue ink. So there'll be another glaze of ink (or two) and then a layer of 'ardcoat and I'll see what that looks like. The airframe was undercoated black, then sprayed a nice deep red (just a shade deeper than red gore). Then hairspray and sand and then the German Grey. So I'm quite pleased with the weathering effect but you'll have noticed that the German Grey is perfect camouflage for the terrain. Ho hum, time to rethink the landscape,
I figured that the Grey T-hork could pass for a Black Templar one that had been out in the sun a lot, or some sort of codex grey replacement airframe or Inquisition vehicle. Or perhaps belong to a Chapter that really does have grey a colour scheme.
So carried on with the further weathering; mostly rust. Now my blazing orange had almost had it, but responded very well to resurrection. So after a bit of paintomancy, I sloshed some on. It looks very vivid, but that's the light/camera/refractive index etc. It's dulled down with a black/brown oil wash. a bit.
Another few thin washes with the black and brown in differing quantities should improve things a bit. One problem I have with this is self restraint; to apply a thin wash in the first place and then to let it dry enough before doing the next thing. What I find is that the wash always ends up heavy and that a blast from Mrs Zzzzz's hair drier would improve things. Ho hum, I'll try and concentrate next time.
I plan on just carrying on with the weathering that I've already done and carrying on until the orange is a little less in-yer-face. And of course, eventually changing the landscape to something a little more beige. I'm allowed beige, because I'm old enough. You have to call it brown. But I figure that the tile is big enough to handle a bit of beige around the crashed bus and fade to grey at the edges.
Ummmmmmmmm, Ultravox. I'm sure that used to be a piece of wargear.