TJ here to let you know that if you are reading this, I had to leave early and that I am already gone on a deployment that will take up most of my year scheduled posts are awesome!). I didn't get to finish a couple of projects I had talked about here (and at least one behind the scenes, sorry DG). That's the way the cookie crumbles though and I am perfectly fine with it. I have been in the military for years now and wouldn't trade it for anything else. That being said, I leave the blog in the hands of the team. I know they will do a great job with the time they have in their busy lives.

That being said, I will have fairly regular access to facebook and if you want to discuss things or reach me, please head over to the Dark Future Games facebook group and ask to join, I will add you there. That is also going to be the best way to share rumors with me, projects you are working on ect. Also, since my other authors and I are all pretty busy people, we are also willing to use this time to reach out to authors out there who would like a chance to write at DFG. Those interested, hit us up on the DFG facebook group, shoot a message to the group and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We are open to hobby writers (as if you couldn't tell), but also gaming writers and we are looking to expand on what we talk about here to Skirmish Games, 40k Alternatives (basically miniature games period) and if you have a voice and are a decent writer, we are willing to give you a shot.

Enough of that though, the last thing I want to say is that DFG is not going away and I am already planning some new stuff for the blog when I return. I am looking forward to the time off and the fresh ideas it will bring when I come back home. I have always enjoyed writing here because we have some of the most positive, thoughtful and talented audiences in the tabletop miniature blogosphere and I have always appreciated it. Thank you to all those who have been with us over the years as authors, outriders, readers, friends, drinking buddies, fans ect. You have made this blog what it is today.

Anyway, I will be checking in on the FB group, so stay in touch. Now, I believe I have some oceans to cross! Have Fun!