And so after some massive painting time, and some very strange times, I finally have finished the Goblins from the Hobbit box set.

The King and his Lieutenants are finally finished here. So now the goblins have some leadership and the ability to take on the dwarves properly!

I love the second to last guy the most. The Goblin Captain. Though the photos are a bit overexposed here.

I really do like them however, and how far I went for the contrast on him as well. Another nice little test and practice for me.

The mini group of these 3 are going to be the backbone of the team though, and I hope that if/when ever I get to field them they make a nice punch in the enemy line. Course I have no idea the rules, so have just have a lot of fun painting these guys up.. now to finish off the last platform, the goblin king chair, and then maybe.. just maybe.. the Dwarfs. But let's see if that ever happens anytime soon :)

So yeah.. last of the Hobbit bunch for now.. now back to the UK Commission batch a bit more and maybe even the Ork Dakkajet. Enjoys!