OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALouis brought Kemet along again, so Kevin and I joined him in a game.  I over exerted myself early, leaving one of my temples vulnerable to Kevin’s attack.  Louis picked up a couple points in the palace of the gods, and Kevin and I had a tough time keeping him out of the Nile Delta.

Kevin and I caught up a bit, but I was exerting too much effort for the few wins I did get.  I left my city undefended, and Kevin walked in for a point from my pyramid.  It wasn’t enough, though, because Louis had claimed points from one of the temples and another victorious attack to put him at 10 points for the victory.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe followed that up with Glen More.  I started off strong with an annual fair providing a pretty consistent five points per turn.  The die, though, had it out for me.  I missed out on all of the butchers that I had tried to get because the die destroyed it, and Loch Morar, which would have provided 12 bonus points from my green tiles.

Louis had a nice whiskey theme going, but Kevin had the strongest game with a tavern, a late bridge and the Ionna Abbey providing bonus points for his yellow tiles.


Until next time, happy gaming!