Its been a strange road. 

What started out as a desperate attempt to avoid doing any school work one Sunday afternoon in February 2012 turned into a blog that has been subsequently viewed over 500,000 times. Half a million page views? I would never have imagined getting ten thousand when I originally began typing away on my (now deceased) silver laptop. What's even more amazing is that fact that 400,000+ of those page views were chalked up over the last twelve months! 

Last year I wrote:

"Its been twelve months, 150 posts (not including this one), 925 published comments, 108,000 page views and 168 followers..."

At the time of writing those same stats can be updated to:

Twenty-four months, 311 posts (not including this one), 2640 published comments, 508,095 page views and 333 followers...


So thank you all so much for reading and contributing to this tiny slice of Old School Cyberspace and making RoC80s the small success that it has been. 

Regular readers may have wondered why output has been a bit slack of late, well the answer is sadly very mundane. The toxic combination of illness (my own, and my family's), increased workload (school reports anyone) and a sense of utter exhaustion every time I sit down to write or paint. Thankfully, today was the last day of term and I have ten whole days of holiday sitting ahead of me. Those ten days I intend to fill with miniature wargames related enjoyment. There is plenty to look forward to, I can assure you, and hopefully my posts in the coming days will be nice and varied; painting, modelling, history and collecting stories to inspire and interest you all out there. 

Talking of painting. I haven't finished a miniature since just after New Year when my abscess struck. My Slannesh army sits unfinished still in bags and I have found my enthusiasm for completing the project has waned. Sure, I have a handful of miniatures that need finishing up and I will certainly get them smartened up over the weekend but I feel like a need a new project.

Something big!

Of course, I have my Warhammer Bestiary painting project to work on. Four lovely old Citadel elves wait upon the painting station for completion but I really do feel that I need something substantial to fill the next year of my modelling/collecting/painting/writing time. I have been inspired by Warlord Paul's attempt to do a 'gaming session' at the Wargames Foundry in April/ Sadly, I cannot attend as the event clashes with my family holiday but his idea has encouraged me to think about a 'Realm of Chaos 80s' gaming day of some such. 

Anyway, its all nothing more than a collection of vague ideas at the moment. So time will have to tell what comes out of it.

Right, those Slannesh models are calling out to be based as we speak and I have a piece of scenery to complete too. More posts soon though, as its birthday week after all! 

Thanks for reading followers and lurkers. 
