I've found myself with a little bit of free time this weekend, so I decided to sit down and put pen to paper to write up a rather interesting army list.

Before I delve too much further into the contents of the list, I have to get some things out of the way first; I haven't actually looked at the book yet. I do own it, but I missed its arrival by a few days and so I had to leave it at home as I made my way back to the dorm....BOO! So a few of my points might be off a little bit and I might have a few things mixed up here and there, but I'm pretty certain I've got everything right.

Second, this is by no means a tournament quality list, but something fun I wanted to try it and a little bit fluffy as well as you see a majority of my army consists of suits in all the shapes and sizes. it's always been a dream of mine to have a huge Crisis Suit army, so I used this as my motivation to do it and yeah, it's really not the best Tau list out there, but I can promise you that you'll definitely get the feeling of being a renegade Shas'O if you do use it. Nothing says "renegade" better than using an excessive amount of suits!

Now that we've cleared that up, let's get into the good stuff;


Commander: shield, stim injector, seismic fibrillator node, 2x shield drones, 2x fusions       224

Bodyguard Squad: 2x Shas'vre (two fusions, bonding knives, stims)    138


Stealth team: 3 members, Shas'vre (markerlight/target lock) bonding knives     108

Stealth team: 3 members, Shas'vre (markerlight/target lock) bonding knives     108

Riptide: Stimulant injector, Earthcaste pilot array, Ion, plasma secondary, early warning    255


Crisis Team: 3x Suits (stims, plasma, missiles, bonding knives)                             204

Crisis Team: 3x Suits (2x plasma rifles, bonding knives)                                        159

Crisis Team: 3x Suits (2x missile pods, bonding knives)                                        159

Fire Warriors: 9 members, Shas'ui, bonding knives                                                100

Fast Attack

Pathfinders: 5 members, Shas'ui, bonding knives                                                     70

Heavy Support

Broadsides: 2 members, Shas'ui (plasma, early warning, seeker, heavy rail rifle), Shas'vre (plasma, early warning, seeker, 2x shield drones, bonding knives, Heavy rail rifle)         178

Hammerhead: Railguin, SMS, submunition rounds, disruption pods, blacksun filter     146

Total: 1849 points