And now for something completely different. On one of the forums I visit there was a contest for the best short story of your warboss / leader. Grimjaw and Snotfug were my choice. Please read on.
Grimjaw & Snotfug
- Oi! Ty gnoju! Dawaj tu twoja grocia mać! Skopam cię jak burego snota! Dawaj go tu! – krzyknął Grimjaw gniewnie wybiegając za małym brudnym grotem ze swojej nory
- Ale! Ale, co ci chodzić? O co? Ja tylko zabrawszy twojego kulelczeki... Nie są ci przeca potrzebne... – szczerze zdziwiony wysapywał Snotfug biegnąc, co sił w nogach.
- Dawaj go tu! Moje śruty z dubeltówy! Z buta w mordę grocia ty suczo! Waaagh!!!
- Spokojnie, spokojnie, na pewno dobijemy interesu. Nie martwcie się... wszystko wyjaśnim...
- Ale! Ale, co ci chodzić? O co? Ja tylko zabrawszy twojego kulelczeki... Nie są ci przeca potrzebne... – szczerze zdziwiony wysapywał Snotfug biegnąc, co sił w nogach.
- Dawaj go tu! Moje śruty z dubeltówy! Z buta w mordę grocia ty suczo! Waaagh!!!
- Spokojnie, spokojnie, na pewno dobijemy interesu. Nie martwcie się... wszystko wyjaśnim...
I tak oto trzymany za szyję Snotfug, wykrztuszał z siebie kolejne słowa tłumaczenia, opluwając nadgarstek Grimjawa, którego twarz nie przedstawiała dogłębniejszego zrozumienia ponad słowa klucze: „zymby”, „wiela zymbów”, „onych zymby”. Jak już Snotfug upocony do granic grocich możliwości został rzucony w błoto i przydeptany ciężkim, ale jakże odmiennie miłym w dotyku bucie sławnego kommandosa, Grimjaw jął się zastanawiać i prawić co następuje:
- Dobra! Grocia twa mać! Jesteś mój grot tera. Jak ci nie pasi, to mogę zglupić cię na miazgę. Co ty na to? Gra? Będziesz mnie tera kradział zęby. I kulelki do dubeltówki. Abo inaczej: Jeb w ryj!
- No no nononono... mi pasuje jaśnie wielmożny... Ależ pasuje, co to to to nie! Ależ tak!
- No no nononono... mi pasuje jaśnie wielmożny... Ależ pasuje, co to to to nie! Ależ tak!
I tak oto ta para zielonych, śmierdzących zwyrodnialców zaczęła swój mały podbój Waaagh Ghazghkul. Snotfug kradnąc, to tu, to tam, Grimjaw rozprawiając się z co bystrzejszymi orkami, szukających w trzewiach grota swoich zębów. Kroczyli przez błotowiska, sprzerając namioty, wagony i inne orcze skupiska w poszukiwaniu wymarzonego Złotego Zymba.
- Oi! You little shit! Get'em ova hea'! I'll stompa ya smug face you fogging grot! Get'em! - shouted Grimjaw appearing from his hut chasing little dirt covered grot.
- Bbbut! But, what is this the matter? I only takened yer balllses... No need for dem hea' - explained honestly surprised Snotfug, while running as fast as he could.
- Get'em ova hea'! My shoota shellz! Fegging stealing grot! Waaagh!!!
Snotfug tried to explain his wrongdoings, but his effort has been hampered by Grimjaw holding his neck just a bit too tight. Grimjaw's face did not show any signs of deeper understanding of what grot was trying to say. Well, maybe except the key words like: "teef", "moar teef", "ders teef". When Snotfug, completely exhausted and covered in his own spit, was suddenly thrown down in the mud and held in place with, oh! how cushy now, great kommando's boot, Grimjaw said the following wise words:
- Right! Yer me grot now! Fegging little... Don't like it? I can squish yer teeny body under me boot! Ya play along! Ya be stealing teef for me. Und dem ballses for my shoota. Ya hear?!
- I hear, I hear! Oh my excellency...It works for me, it works, really!
And so the pair of two green, smelly fungy creatures went across Waaagh Ghazghkul. Snotfug kept stealing whatever he could lay his sticky palms on. Grimjaw kept him safe smashing other orks' skulls whenever they tried to shove hands down Snotfug's belly in search of stolen teef. They roamed muddy fields, searching tents and wagons, all in quest to find the Golden Toof.
- Oi! You little shit! Get'em ova hea'! I'll stompa ya smug face you fogging grot! Get'em! - shouted Grimjaw appearing from his hut chasing little dirt covered grot.
- Bbbut! But, what is this the matter? I only takened yer balllses... No need for dem hea' - explained honestly surprised Snotfug, while running as fast as he could.
- Get'em ova hea'! My shoota shellz! Fegging stealing grot! Waaagh!!!
Snotfug tried to explain his wrongdoings, but his effort has been hampered by Grimjaw holding his neck just a bit too tight. Grimjaw's face did not show any signs of deeper understanding of what grot was trying to say. Well, maybe except the key words like: "teef", "moar teef", "ders teef". When Snotfug, completely exhausted and covered in his own spit, was suddenly thrown down in the mud and held in place with, oh! how cushy now, great kommando's boot, Grimjaw said the following wise words:
- Right! Yer me grot now! Fegging little... Don't like it? I can squish yer teeny body under me boot! Ya play along! Ya be stealing teef for me. Und dem ballses for my shoota. Ya hear?!
- I hear, I hear! Oh my excellency...It works for me, it works, really!
And so the pair of two green, smelly fungy creatures went across Waaagh Ghazghkul. Snotfug kept stealing whatever he could lay his sticky palms on. Grimjaw kept him safe smashing other orks' skulls whenever they tried to shove hands down Snotfug's belly in search of stolen teef. They roamed muddy fields, searching tents and wagons, all in quest to find the Golden Toof.