Is Pulp City the best Super Hero tabletop game ever?
The way the Kickstarter is going sure makes me think it is!
There are so many awesome character appearing and there is still 12 days to go as I type this.
The Pulp team are already working on more sculpts for the unlocked models. Above you can see the WIP for Rosie 'Baby' Rude. A new Hero Powerhouse with mechanical gloves which help her swing a massive steel girder.
Before I get to the most recent additions to the PC lineup in this update, I just want to remind everyone you have ONE DAY left to claim your FREE Guerrilla as part of any Supreme or higher pledge.
How can anyone say no to a Gorilla with a Minigun?
There are some weird and wonderful things getting added during campaign.
The latest free add-on are these nasty looking Ankle Biters. Piranhas are nasty, but with robo legs and gills? That's just pure EVIL!
Next up we have the Jado Oni. A dangerous Eastern demon with a sword that can easily cleave a man in two. This guy add some serious hitting power to the ranks of the Jade Cult.
The Ulthar factions is a mix of water based alien races. The newest is Kithairon. An Ulthar Leo 'battle cat'.
The artwork has a very familiar colour scheme. Do you 'have the power' to take this beast into battle?
Amok is a new Powerhouse for a new faction. The Way of Fist and Blade. A mix of martial artists that come from both the good AND bad sides of Pulp City. A big red 'hulking' beast is sure to be a scary sight on the mean streets of the city.
After Amok there are some very interesting looking stretch goals.
What do you think they are?
A well loved faction in Pulp City is the Forgotten. Old dark gods, demons and monsters. With only 2 members so far, the $90K mark starts the Forgotten expansion and the Pulp Kickstarter Phase 4.
That first goal looks a LOT like a lady from the original Pulp City rule book.
It's not just the pledges going up that unlock new goodies. The amount of backers also helps the project unlock more special Supremes for the new Grimm faction. Even if its only $1, it all helps.
At the moment the Kickstarter is only 29 backers from unlocking a rock powered Grimm.
If it hits the 500 mark, I think we may see some sort of Grimm Symbiote.
At the top of the page you may have spotted the Kicktraq box. This will be staying there for the next 12 days so you can see at a glance how the project is going. Clicking on it takes you to the Kicktraq Pulp City page where you can find out all sorts of stats and details.
If you have a blog or website it would be a MASSIVE help if you could also put up one of these boxes until March 1st.
Even if you aren't backing the Pulp City Kickstarter (link) yourself, it would really help get the word out to others that could love the project but haven't seen it yet.
ToaTS would also be happy to return the favour sometime!
That' all for now folks, but I expect there may be even more goodies very soon.
Until then,
Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!