I went down to FrostyCon 2014 on saturday let's jump into some pictures and talk about the event a little bit. Ironically The not blurry picture of the trophy says TIPPCON haha.. Perhaps I should pay attention when randomly snapping pictures next time. Anyway let's start with the armies.

I tried to take a snap of at least the majority of the armies present it was full at 32 players. The place really had a ton of great looking armies and sharp display boards!! I was not expecting that at all.

This was the army I brought, I learned a ton, had a great time, and have changes to make to the list and to the display board! Either way it's been coming together great even though it's not complete I even made finals for paint judging which I take as a compliment given the amazing armies present.

This army actually Won Best Painted! Well Deserved and really you should get something for playing with Skull cannons. 

This was what my buddy Norman Brought!

Ok here is some quick snaps of the tables and the terrain.

This trophy actually has a different event on each side with a small plague and the over all winners name from the event on it. I have no idea where this thing normally lives so until someone clarifies I will assume it lives at Aaron's house and he just likes seeing his name on it twice. 

A few quick snaps from a couple of my games. 

I was actually paired up against my Buddy Norman first round which was funny. Normally we might ask to be swapped but it was actually cool to have a laid back game where we could BS and try to remember how to play before moving on. 

11 INCH charge.

This is from my second game I actually ended up on the same table so I just jumped to the other side.  Aaron offered to swap tables for me, but since I wasn't playing overly serious it just meant I didn't have to move any of my stuff! So win win. 

My third game was vs Orks and I really just ran at him, it was a fun game over all and he was a cool guy. I was completely exhausted by this point so hopefully I wasn't a tired jerk face to this guy while we played! He was a cool dude though and the game seemed pretty laid back.

I didn't do well at all. I tied Norm Game one and he beat me on tie breakers.. I ended up 2-2 it took me a game and a half to understand what my list should do. I also played all the escalation version of the missions because I wanted to try them out and they are honestly worse for my list than the normal one's. So another mistake lol.. I have some feedback on the missions but I will email those to Aaron. I like the concept but not the execution on a few things.

Also it was comical I was making super long charges left and right 10 plus inches no problem all day. I however couldn't pass a check for powers all game and the warpStorm kicked me in the teeth all day. In my fourth game I rolled -1 to my inv save 4 times in a row as an example. haha.

The event over all was great. I had a great time most the guys seemed laid back and cool people. Things ran pretty smoothly. They gave almost everyone some type of prize or door prize is was shocking how much stuff they gave away. Aaron was walking around and talking with people while keeping things running smoothly. It's always nice to see a TO that seems to care about his event and doesn't just hang with his buddies.

It was a little warm with everyone in there, and the terrain was decent. It wasn't amazing, but it wasn't bad by any means either so that was a plus. The biggest pain was the tables themselves some of them had boards underneath or something so you had a step of half a inch under the felt across some table so your models would fall over. Also the felt was really loose so it would move and it was a paint sometimes to put models on a few of the tables. That would be my only real gripe about the event.

I would definitely go back. Shout to Aaron for running a great event.