With the new guard codex looming on the horizon I've decided that I should actually open some of these kits that are sitting in my closet.
I love the Manticore and I hope that it doesn't change much in the upcoming book. This is one unit that I have always relied on to make back more than it's points value in destruction. Please creator of Astra whatever codex don't turn my Manticore into a pee shooter.

I surprised myself with how fast I assembled and painted this bad boy. It took me three days to finish it up and to be honest I could have done it in two. I am really glad that I didn't forget the technique and it is almost identical to my older Manticore. The yellow is a bit darker on the other one but I can chalk that up to sun damage. I applied my normal weathering approach and I might go in and do a bit more later. This is a link to a few of my other units to see the comparison http://northofthegoldenthrone.blogspot.com/2013/09/hobby-showcase-mobilizing-501st.html.

As always drop me a comment so I can get your opinion and follow me if you are interested in more.