Some of you may have seen the early WIP I posted a month ago or something (probably even more) that is now finally finished! Yep it took some time to finish, mainly due to painting on other projects instead. But I finally came around and did the last bits on this dude.

So as you can see he is a more or less an ordinary Irongut but painted to better fit into my blue WoC army. I also changed the shield on his shoulder to an old 4th/5th ed Chaos Warrior shield and added another banner to the banner. Why? Well I like banners :)

I'm happy with the end result and I hope you like it as well. Will probably take some time before this unit is done as I have ton of other stuff to do right now, but I will probably add a model or two here and there just because it's fun to paint them up.

Comments are welcome as always and if you have any tip on how to further 'Chaos:fy' the Ironguts please let me know.