January Top Sellers, New releases, and a sold out event.

So much to report on Forge World this week,  So let's get rolling...

Forge World Open Day

Forge World Open Day is sold out.  No surprise.  If I lived in the UK I would be there!

Forge World's January Top Ten Sellers

Wow! A lot of Death Guard fans!

1. Calas Typhon First Captain of the Death Guard

2. Imperial Armour Volume Two Second Edition

3. The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre

4. Lorgar Primarch of the Word Bearers

5. Iron Hands Legion MkIII Squad

6. Death Guard Grave Wardens

7. The Horus Heresy Book One - Betrayal

8. Ferrus Manus Primarch of the Iron Hands

9. Legion Fire Raptor

10. World Eaters Red Butchers

New Releases

And a host of new releases this week.  Iron Hands, 

Legion Graviton Gun

Iron Hands Heads

 Iron Hands Torsos

 Death Guard Heads

Death Guard Torsos

Death Guard Shoulder Pads

All of this is why Forge World continues to lead Games Workshop as the division doining everything right.
