Good morning Oldhammers!

Mick Leach has released some more greens from the Antiquis Malleum project so I thought I would share them with you here. These are two further models sculpted by Tim Prow and represent Gregor Sinblister and Oskar the Writhing. As you will know, your comments are extremely valuable to Mick, Tim and Drew, so don't hesitate to share your opinion below!

Additionally, if you want to know more about the background to these warriors of Malign just follow the link here.

Oh, and there are loads of comparison pictures of the whole range and their relative size to old school miniatures on the Oldhammer Blog, so don't forget to visit there when your done. 

Gregor Sinlister: I love Tim's shield design, I suggested something similar to an old Anthony Ackland illustration and there were mumbles of 'it can't be done' about the image - well, Tim has pulled it off! Mick hopes to produce more shields in this style as a possible stretch goal on the kickstarter. 
I have heard of eyes in the back of your head, but a skull on your back? Creepy!
Oskar the Writhing. Lovely detail on this one, especially those gribbly tentacles. This would make a good Nurgle alternative champion model too!
I like the allusion of the rib cage in this rear shot.