Image by David Sodered/Studio Colrouphobia

I’m going to start doing regular posts on what I’m working on without worrying about making awesome pictures of it, mainly because it will help me post more frequently, and I like sharing what I’m up to hobby-wise.

On the paint table:

Storm Warden Sternguard. I’ve circled around to my Storm Wardens and trying to finish painting up 5 Sternguard I built from the new kit last fall. I can’t get over how terrible I am at painting blue! All of these years of painting red and green and somehow blue is just awful for me to paint. I really love how these guys are turning out though. I’m basing them in a highland fields style with even a few flowers.

Deadzone Plague. I’ve been burning through these–man there are a lot of miniatures that came with that base Deadzone set! I’m painting them up in the stock pink scheme, because I think it looks great. I also think that the molding material aside, the sculpts are really excellent, at least the basic troopers are.

Deadzone Terrain: I’ve finally finished painting up the terrain! I made it a mix of blue steel, drab green, orange, and hazard yellow. I did some salt weathering and now I’m doing some sponge weathering as well. All hail my new god, the airbrush.


Super into Level 7: Omega Protocol. This game is ridiculous. I painted up the whole set, and honestly the game plays better than Space Hulk. Yes, it’s that good. Look for a review here or on Faeit212 soon.

Cheaty Mages: my sister got this for me for Christmas. It’s by the same designer as Love Letter, and while it has the same “no-fat” design, it plays very differently given the gambling theme. I really enjoy it, although the chaos and straight-up gambling aspect hasn’t made it a 100% hit with my friends. It still gets taken out a lot though due to its quick setup time and ease of travel.


Lately I’ve been really into the Joe Rogan Podcast. It’s just addictively listenable. He gets a pretty wide range of guests, although the episodes I love are the ones where he has crackpots on, or more charitably, people with non-mainstream beliefs. It’s hard to tell when Rogan is just taking the piss out of his guests or when he is really open to what they are saying, but he’s unfailingly polite and chill and it’s always really funny.  One of my favorites was when Giorgio Tsoukalos (the “We don’t know, therefore it was aliens” guy).  It’s also the perfect thing to listen to when working or painting.