More info on Imperial Knights is coming out.
New photos are up on 4Chan and Warseer has info on the decals sheets.  Here you go:

From 4Chan:

The transfer sheets have 282 individual decals and have decals for Adeptus Mechanicus, various Knight Households and freelance versions.

And from Warseer:

Houses mentioned on the two decal sheets:

 Imperial aligned:
 HawkshroudDegallioGriffithMortanTerryn (first Knight house founded)Cadmus (recently transferred allegiance from Admech to Imperium)
AdMech Aligned:
 KrastVulkerTaranisRaven (Largest Knight household, based on Forge World Metallica)
 Obsidian KnightCrimson KnightForgotten KnightWhite ReaperAmaranthine

So, an interesting release as these mini-Titans take to the 40K battlefield.  Look to this week's White Dwarf for release info.
