This is the first part of a set of expanded follow-ups to an older article, intended to update the information for a new frame of reference.  More general information on the Emperor's Holy Inquisition can be found here.  Dark Heresy will begin March 2nd, 2014.

The Ordo Hereticus in the Mardannon sector is spread far and wide across the nine major subsectors thereof.  The most influential of these Inquisitors are described below, together with a short history, modus operandi and other pertinent information.  All of this is considered to be common knowledge amongst Acolytes of the Inquisition in Mardannon.

Remember - innocence proves nothing.

Inquisitor Lord Shan Tsien Tiang
  • Philosophy - Recongregator (Radical).  Though most members of this faction do not openly speak in defiance of the Imperium, Inquisitor Shan has shown these tendencies in his words and speech.  Even if he's never said as much, his works show this clearly.
  • Background - Shan rose to prominence as a Witch-Finder in Vae Salubrious, though his world of origin is unclear and is likely from a barbarian world in another segmentum altogether.
  • Modus Operandi - Inquisitor Shan plies the sector, travelling from world to world investigating corruption of Imperial Governors and the Adeptus Administratum.  When he visits a world, he makes it a point to execute as many "witches" as possible - though it is believed by some that in many cases these "witches" were simply corrupt bureaucrats or officials that Shan didn't want to waste time prosecuting openly.  He maintains an ancient Falchion-class escort ship and a full contingent of Imperial Stormtroopers.
  • Recent Activity - For the last three decades, Inquisitor Shan has been a traveling "hanging judge" dispensing Imperial justice to witches and greedy, amorl or just plain uppity Governors.  He has garnered a reputation as a fierce and uncompromising figure of authority, while at the same time challenging the pre-concieved notion of how the Imperium should function.

Inquisitor Corvus Mandera
  • Philosophy - Amalathian (Puritan).  Operating largely behind the scenes, Mandera applies a soft touch to the institutions of the Imperium to root out threats to the stability of the sector.
  • Background - Tutored by the late Witch-Hunter Gruber Von Shlauss, Mandera's penchant for secrecy shrouds most of his history in mists of deception.  What is certain is that he was once an Acolyte for a powerful Inquisitor, and led cells of such agents to infiltrate several diabolic cults during his service.  
  • Modus Operandi - Mandera pursues cases of corruption in the ranks of the Guild houses of the Mardannon sector.  He has many contacts and is owed many favors by many powerful individuals across the sector.  Many cells of Acolytes are spread across the entire sector, and this web of intelligence brings him all sorts of terrible tales of treachery and heresy.  He remains in the shadows most of the time, working through his acolytes and directing them to infiltrate criminal plots and cults.
  • Recent Activity - Mandera personally oversaw the dismantling of a corrupted Imperial cult on Lucruzu Primus after his agents exposed an attempt on the lawful Imperial Governor's life.  Three months ago, he departed Lucruzu for Kelphis with a great many of his followers.

Inquisitor Abakum Lukyanov
  • Philosophy - Xanthite (Radical).  Lukyanov has been declared Excommunicate Traitoris by the Conclave Mardannon.
  • Background - Once a promising young Witch-Hunter, Lukyanov embraced the lore of psychic phenomena with gusto.  However, in recent years he has become increasingly unstable, conducting bizarre experiments with the psykers under his purview.
  • Modus Operandi - Before he was excommunicated, Lukyanov investigated acts of warp heresy involving possession.  He had very few Acolytes, and most of those that were known are now deceased.
  • Recent Activity - Lukyanov's dabbling in warp arts was exposed by an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor sometime in the last year.  Fleeing the denunciation and High Conclave on Ordavis, his current whereabouts are unknown.