Okay first of all sorry for the lack of updates lately, much going IRL and well, I didn't have much to write about really. But I have done some painting, and it may not look like much but more stuff is going to be finished really soon but until then, here's five more HW/Shield Dwarfs and a pic on the unit so far.

Still unsure about the bases but I think I will go with an underground theme here (I even bought the expensive under-empire basing set so will try that one out soon).

Speaking of buying, I got my delivery of Dwarf reinforcements today from Element Games (awesome service and fast as hell) . And it's quite a lot of stuff, two boxes of Hammerers, one of Irondrakes and a Gyrocopter. The army book of course and three character, Belegar, a Runesmith and the Dragon Slayer.

Can't wait to put these together and start to paint them up, but want to finish my unit of twenty clansmen first and the Grudgethrower. That's all for now, more updates soon.