Joe, Louis and Kevin joined us, and while I was busy putting the finishing touches on bedtimes songs for the kids they had setup CO2.

The game started off with a fairly high CO2 level of 190.  Things didn’t get much easier from there.  There were quite a few forestry projects proposed, but no one was progressing them.  We made it through the third decade without much trouble, but we were only 40 PPM away from losing the game, and there was one fossil fuel plant coming out in turn four.  It happened to be a coal plant, adding the last 40 PPM and ending the game in a loss.



We followed that with Caylus.  Kevin and Louis built a bunch of buildings, while I was trying to make contributions to the castle.  I spent most of my time last or close to last in the turn order, making things difficult, but I was able to make some significant contributions.  Joe had also been contributing, but he had more going on along with that.  Kevin came close, but it ended up being Louis building a bunch of the castle wall that ended up winning.



That was it for Saturday, but Gina and I did get a game of CO2 in Sunday afternoon.  Things started off a bit more easily than Saturday.  We quickly advanced up the expertise tracks and Gina managed to take an early lead building the forestry plant before I could, and then satisfying a bunch of UN goals.  I managed to catch up by being the only one to build a recycling plant and took four of the small UN goals.

One thing we did a bit wrong, though, was we took the CEPs granted by the expertise track into our personal supply rather than putting them into the continents.  Partly because of this, I ended up with a ton of CEPs at the end, worth about 70 points.  I did control four of the continents as well for my Company goal, so I’m not sure the error would have made a huge difference.  It was close up to the end, but I did finish about 40 points ahead of Gina.


Until next time, happy gaming!