Sorry this one is a bit late...
Dreadclaws are cooler than Drop Pods and Tyranids are better than the internet has led you to believe...

The Anvillus pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod is a more sophisticated development of the Legion Drop Pod which, unlike its standard counterpart, is capable of fully powered flight and can be used both as a boarding craft in void battles and as an orbital assault lander. Up until the early days of the Horus Heresy it was used predominantly by the Sons of Horus Legion, with whom it was most associated, but its use was spreading to other Legions, particularly to carry Terminator squads and Contemptor Dreadnoughts into the thick of battle. Then, as Mankind's civil war escalated, demand for these powerful and highly effective war machines outstripped supply, even though their bellicose machine spirits were deemed by some to become treacherous and unstable after extended use. In the aftermath of the cataclysmic war of the Horus Heresy, the various Dreadclaw patterns fell out of use by the Imperium, but were retained in the Traitor Legions' arsenals as they fled towards the Eye of Terror, and can still be seen today at the forefront of many Chaos Space Marine assaults.
The Anvillus pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod, designed by Phil Stutcinskas, is a complete resin and plastic kit, and is available to pre-order now. This model will be despatched from Friday 28th February.
Full rules for the Anvillus pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod can be found in the forthcoming The Horus Heresy Book Three – Extermination, but until then you can use the rules for the Dreadclaw Drop Pod in The Horus Heresy Book One – Betrayal or the rules for the Chaos Space Marine Dreadclaw in Imperial Armour: Aeronautica.

Devourers are powerful Tyranid symbiote weapons developed by the Hive Mind to combat attacks by enemy hordes and light vehicles. They fling worm-like parasites that burrow into their victim’s flesh and eat their way through its nervous system to the brain. Those devourers wielded by larger Tyranids teem with hives of brainleech worms, a more aggressive and voracious form of this already highly destructive weapon.
The latest addition to our Tyranids range is a set of twin-linked devourer arms, designed by Keith Robertson, for use with Tyranid Monstrous Creatures such as Hive Tyrants and the Carnifex. This resin upgrade set is available to pre-order now and will be despatched from Friday 28th February
The rules for devourers can be found in Codex: Tyranids.

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