Smogcon... never heard of it before... really was surprised to hear of this and let alone that it was so close to where I live here in the UK.

So a quick drive down the M3 and I made it into Guildford with minimal problems. And while driving down the main road, I saw a pack of people with gaming cases. Rolling down the window, and a quick shout of "Smogcon?". I was pointed into the direction of the Mandolay hotel where everyone was set up.

I have to say that it was quite impressive to see all the gamers gathered in the hall to play games...

With people playing Warmachines, Hordes, Bushido, and Dropzone Commander. Quite interesting to see all the different games being played, just wish that I saw more fully painted armies being played instead of the bare metal or primed versions.

Though there was also a small painting competition within the event. Quite impressive entries were shown off here..

Quite impressive in a lot of areas and with models that I have not seen outside of the traditional box art color schemes. I have to begin to look out for more of these have quite a bit of character in them!

But why or how did I end up at this event? It honestly came down to a really random conversation with a certain person... some might be able to recognize him.. Mr Adam Parkhouse of Poral Editor fame!

Adam was nice enough to inform me of it, and suggested that I check out the gaming/convention scene. We had quite a few chats and even played a demo game of Guild Ball's recently released kickstarter. But I will post about that later.

I was also surprised by a special gift from Adam, but again I will share that in the future ;)

Oh and as a last surprise.. although many asked about my t-shirt ( Massive Voodoo! ) there were a few people sporting Painting Buddha Shirts! So we did a quick shot all together after the painting award ceremony!

Great guys all! And it was great to see what the convention scene looks like in UK here as well. Expect more convention news and reviews to come up.. as this is just the beginning for 2014 here!!!!!