

New Forgeworld Release is a go!

Forgeworld have announced these bad asses on their site today “Mechanicum Myrmidon Destructors”. Now personally these just aint my bag but it is always good to see the Mechanicum getting some love, I have got to say that the models themselves are designed very well and I can see the charm. You will be looking at the price of £36.00 for 3 of these boys. The big question is with this release and the recent Binary code on the back of White Dwarf… are we set to see a proper Mechanicum army? Anyway check out the update from Forgeworld below and let us know your thoughts.


via Forgeworld from Newletter 389
The Myrmidon Destructors form a heavily armed and augmented sub-sect of the Mechanicum priesthood. They craft their augmetics to carry the heaviest of weapons, often only rendered portable owing to their reinforced endoskeletons and implanted power systems. These augmentations enable the Myrmidon Destructors to maintain a furious barrage on the battlefield and to do so with a precision and skill unequalled. They specialise particularly in the destruction of enemy armoured and fortified emplacements, and wield all manner of esoteric and arcane weapons, against which conventional defences offer little protection.  

The Mechanicum Myrmidon Destructors set contains three resin models and is available to order now for immediate release.

Full rules for these models, designed by Mark Bedford, can be found in The Horus Heresy book 2; Massacre.

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