Hi all,

Now that the actual build of POLLUX and CASTOR is completed (well maybe I will do some additional armor around the "armpits" ), I started with the diorama base.

Here you can see the two walkers/knights on the board. The lines show where the sewer will be and where the opposing gun will be.
I'm using my standard instant plaster for the base, as this will crack nicely.
The soda cap is the hole for the sewer manhole.
While the plaster cured I started to assemble the Ork crew.
The gunner will be turning in his seat to look at the new approaching danger...
The plaster cured nicely with some great cracks :)
The gun itself is a big energy beam weapon - not really a Zzap gun, is it?
And the gunner turning in his seat to look at the approaching walkers.
The mount of the gun, with rivets and cables.
And the two Orks that do the turning of the gun :D
On the base.
Ixajin asked how tall they are.
Shoulder height is between 12 and 13 cm (depending on pose)
With the basic gun built I started to cast a lot of bricks, using my Hirst Arts molds.

The basic street layout with the sewer manhole.
Oh, and here is the RPG gunner :)
As you can see he's hit as he's firing his RPG...
I wonder what it will do to his rocket.... :)

The buildings nearing completion.
After the buildings were built I drew the ornaments for the street.
And carved the lines into the plaster...
Most of it will be covered by rubble, so I really wonder why I bother :P
The one window behind the gun will have a mural.
But most of the glass will be shot.
The other window is boarded up.
So, what do you think?
I look forward to your feedback and suggestions.