As stated yesterday, I received a very cool gift from Adam Parkhouse while at Smogcon!

Salute 2013's model painted up by Adam himself! Quite the surprise actually as I was not expecting this at all.

Apparently he has seen the posts from where I have begun to collect models from other artists, and thus thought of this as being a good addition to my collection. And um.. he was right!!!!

And while packing up to leave, he also provided me with a second unexpected gift in the form of a sci-fi base pre-made and painted by him.

Originally this was for a Sedition Wars model, but he lost steam on it. So now I can take a crack at it.. though it will be interesting to see what I can put on it to fit in with this unique style! Will have a nice look around the boxes and see what I can throw onto it.

Any ideas out there in blogger land?!?!?!